DME cryptosystem

Primary LanguageC


    README  : this file


    PQCkemKAT_288.req  and PQCkemKAT_288.rsp : precomputed KAT files


    api.h           : the required api
    dme.h and dme.c : the implementation of the DME primitives
    rng.h and rng.c : random number generator (provided by NIST)
    PQCgenKAT_kem.c : the known answer test generator (provided by NIST)
    makefile        : for automated building (setup.h, dme.o, KAT)


    bigint.h and bigint.c : fixed precision 384-bits integer arithmetic
    find_min_poly.c       : to find random irreducible polynomials of degree 2
                            and 3 in Fq[X]
    find_best_exps.c      : to find the best exponential maps and related
    find_m1_m2.c          : to precompute the matrices M1, M2, M1^(-1), M2^(-1)
                            used to convert a secret key into a public key
    makefile              : for automated building of setup.h


    A copy of the /Reference_Implementation/ directory


    DME.pdf  : description of the system

    dme_implementatiom.pdf : a description of all the dme-kem cryptosystem as it is implemented
              in the code

    dme_implementatiom .tex : LaTeX source code for dme.pdf

    Luengo.pdf : statement of the author of the scheme

    avendano.pdf : statement of the author of the implementation 

    MMarco.pdf : statement of the author of the implementation 
    DME-patent_dec.pdf  : statement of the patent owner
    Timings statistics for DME-(3,2,48) and DME-(3,2,24) on a i7.txt  : Time using for DME-(3,2,48) and DME-         (3,2,24) using our own APIs.