Alexa Skills Kit Sample Utterances generator.
npm install intent-utterance-generator
The generator expects an object with intent names as keys and phrases to expand as the values. It uses intent-utterance-expander to expand phrases.
The result is a Buffer containing the generated expanded phrases which you can then copy over it to the Sample Utterances input field in the Alexa Skills Kit portal.
const intentUtteranceGenerator = require('intent-utterance-generator');
var intents = {
StartNewGameIntent: [
'(start|begin|launch) new game',
'start over'
HighScoreIntent: 'What are the (top|high) scores'
StartNewGameIntent start new game
StartNewGameIntent begin new game
StartNewGameIntent launch new game
StartNewGameIntent start over
HighScoreIntent What are the top scores
HighScoreIntent What are the high scores
npm test