This is actively developed so things are buggy and will break
Quad is an InstanceMesh quadTree. Meaning one high-resolution quad that can be used for all quads at each levels. The benefits are better performance because you can get a high number of quads with high resolution on the screen. seams are still present but minimal, and no more buffering because child quads were created on the fly.
This is a vanilla three.js standalone module.
git clone
Quad class take as input size Of staring Quad, resolution, a reference to your canvas, and the number of levels for your quadtree.
import Quad from './quad/quad'
const canvasRef = // a reference to your canvas element that holds your gray scaled height map
const quad = new Quad(3000,500,canvasRef,5);
//in your update loop
Here is 1 InstanceMesh quad with 341 child instance, at a resolution of 500, 5 levels deep.
- unit test
- culling
- seams
- delete redundant code
- multithread initialization
- fragment shader controls to change color
- indexdb for cashing vertices
- issue with root level initialization (might have to rewrite buildQuadTree method)
- weird artifacts that show up in wireframe mode (I think this problem is due to the fact I scale the mesh to 0 for toggling viability)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.