
application and parser for dialogue objects

Primary LanguageJavaScript

1 - get input from textarea 2 - create store and persistent data (JSON) => unfold 2.1 - save and retrieve one character 2.2 - use the timer better => if char set => record, else, set a message if needed and wait for an event 2.3 - create a modal with spinner when loading 2.4 - get the data from the store into the main window: -- mainWindow.webContents.send('inputChange', item) -- In Main Window Script => ( const {ipcRenderer} = require('elecron') ipcRenderer.on('inputChange', function(event, item) { console.log(item) }) element. ) 3 - On Export => open window to set WHERE you want to record the file, auto-naming (character_name.json) 3.1 onExport => open a new window 3.2 if complicated to save a file => open window and DISPLAY the JSON, with a button to copy the content of the file

4 - character_dialogue inheritance???

  • load_character window???

create simple chatbot =>

    • trigger
    • answer