
🏃🏽‍♂️ Custom NodeJS Template for a Quick Start

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJS REST Skeleton App

This NodeJS application bundles many of commonly used node modules for REST Applications following a Model-View-Controller architecture.

How to use

Clone this repository to a folder of your preference by using the git clone command

$ git clone github.com/miguelsolans/nodejs-template

Install all NodeJS dependencies by using Node Package Manager command

$ npm install

This Sekeleton features Nodemon which allow you to reset the server each time a file changes. You can quickly start, for development purposes, by running the command

$ npm run dev 

Or a shortcut to run using node

$ npm run start

What's Inside?

This project bundles some of the most commonly used modules by REST and Frontend monolithic Servers.

Back-end Technologies

  1. EJS
  2. Express
  3. Mongoose

Fontend Technologies

  1. RequireJS
  2. jQuery
  3. Bootstrap