Zemoga's Challenge: React Native

I hope and exceed your expectations. This react native(0.71.2) project based on clean architecture DDD (Domain Driven Design). I split this application in different layers with specific responsabilities: Domain, Use cases, Adapters, Controllers.

Run this project

  1. Install all dependencies:
yarn install
  1. Install pods:
yarn pod:install
  1. Run metro in other terminal tap (Optional):
yarn start
  1. Run in iOS simulator, also you can open Xcode and run 2 different schemas (Debug or Release), with this command you can run in debug mode:
yarn ios
  1. Run in Android simulator:
yarn android

If you have any problem, these're my actual global versions:

  • node: v16.16.0
  • yarn: 1.22.19
  • metro: v0.73.7

Other commands:

  1. Gradlew clean:
yarn android:clean
  1. Generate APK:
yarn android:build:apk


Name Description
ui Contain all archives related with the UI components his logic, like interfaces, controllers, styles etc.
domain This archive contains all entities, bussines rules, services, etc, it's the heart of my application.
implementation In my implementation define all methods to get data and these are management by my hooks view (Controllers).
navigation This folder contains all about the navigation in the app, constants, interfaces, architectures, definitions and more.
constants In this folder you can see all constants used by user interfaces, like strings and endpoints.
config In this folder you can set any configuration (global) for this app, in my case, i set the interceptor configuration to intercept all petitions and set configurations like timeout and headers
redux You can see all about: constants, types, interfaces, store, reducers and more related with redux configuration
helpers In this folder you can find function to resolve especific functionalities in the app


Name Documentation Description
react-native-ui-lib https://github.com/wix/react-native-ui-lib This is may favorite UI library to build beautiful user interfaces and preset a global styles of my application.
react-native-navigation https://wix.github.io/react-native-navigation/docs/before-you-start/ It's a Recomended library by react native to manage native navigations, see preferences of navigation by react native here.
react-redux https://react-redux.js.org/introduction/getting-started It's my preferred library to manage all global data of my application, based on Redux.
redux-persist https://github.com/rt2zz/redux-persist All redux developer needs know about this library, this library help us to persist all o specific data in our local storage (Mobile and Web).
@react-native-async-storage/async-storage https://react-native-async-storage.github.io/async-storage/ It's a library to manage Data storage of my device (iOS/Android). The principal skill is your persistent storage, and i use that hability for my persistConfig.
redux-immutable-state-invariant https://github.com/leoasis/redux-immutable-state-invariant It's a development tool (middleware of my store) , thats spits an error on you when you try to mutate your state either inside a dispatch or between dispatches.
@react-native-community/netinfo https://github.com/react-native-netinfo/react-native-netinfo With this library i was subscribed to my conection information and show a banner if i didn't have conection.
axios https://axios-http.com/docs/intro It's my preferred library to make HTTP request.
lodash https://lodash.com/ It's a utility library of Javascript with a good performance.
react-native-size-matters https://github.com/nirsky/react-native-size-matters It's a simple tooling to make your scaling a whole lot easier (All styles in this app was created with this library)
react-native-svg https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-svg Used by adapt SVG images to create a custom components (Of icons)


Requirement By Completed Description
Load the posts from the JSON API and populate the view Zemoga
Posts loaded with axios library and persist data with redux, redux-persist and @react-native-async-storage/async-storage.
Each cell/row should show the title of the post without clipping ( dynamic height ). Zemoga
UI Builded by me with react-native-ui-lib and react-native-size-matters.
Once a Post is tapped, the user should be taken to a Post Details Screen. Zemoga
The navigation to postDetailScreen was builded with react-native-navigation.
The post details screen should contain: Title, description, author information, list of comments Zemoga
This view is very beautiful, i love so much my list preview of comments.
Implement a mechanism to favorite/unfavorite a post: All favorite posts will be on the op of the list and should have a start indicator Zemoga
I mutate my list data and organize with sort function of arrays.
Implement a mechanism to delete a post. Zemoga
This part has many other validation, but i did it.
Only can delete if the list have one o more unfavorite posts Me
This validation is for me, because, the user cant delete favorite posts in the list, and this case is possible.
Implement a mechanism to remove all posts except from the favorites ones. Zemoga
I did this with filter function of maps.
Implement a mechanism to load all posts from the API. Zemoga
I was create a useCase, repository, implementation and service for this action.
Add meaningful Unit Tests. Zemoga
I created unit tests only for my HTTP petitions
Extra points
User should be able to see previously loaded posts. Zemoga
You can see previously loaded posts, author information and comments.
User should be able to see post details. Zemoga
You can see all information precargated
Incorporate a RFP (Reactive Functional Programming) solution as part of your implementation wherever it makes sense Zemoga
All application was based on functional components
Only load author information if is necessary Me
A one author have many posts, then, you dont need load the same information in other post of the same author
States Me
Manage all possible erros in the app: Empty list, Error lo load, No internet, etc