
This is my website, a place where you can find ways to contact with me and also a bit of information about myself. Feel free to use those ways to contact me if you need so, or even if you just want to socialise. It´s a work in progress so keep in tune and check for updates, as i´m still learning html,javascript.....

Primary LanguageHTML


Hi, my name is Miguel and i welcome you to my website´s repository, a place where i upload all of the updates and code that i used to develop what´s, until now, my most ambicious individual project. You will notice that it incorporates completely unuseful funcionalities ,as they are some experiments that i made just to understand a bit more of Javascript,HTML and CSS, which are languages that we barely use throughout my degree in Computer Science in the University of A Coruña. I decided to learn them on my own, so i´m using this site not only as a platform to advertise myself and provide some ways to contact with me, but as a learning tool that can help me, and others , to dive right into this incredible world that is web developing, a world of endless posibilities.