
Builds an RPM based on an official Apache Storm binary release, using fpm.

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


Builds an RPM based on an official Apache Storm binary release, using fpm.

Unfortunately the official Storm project does not release ready-to-use RPM packages. The RPM script in this repository closes that gap.

The RPM created with this code is used by Wirbelsturm.

Table of Contents


After a fresh checkout of this git repo you should first bootstrap the code.

$ ./bootstrap

Basically, the bootstrapping will ensure that you have a suitable fpm setup. If you already have fpm installed and configured you may try skipping the bootstrapping step.

Supported operating systems

OS of the build server

It is recommended to run the RPM script storm-rpm.sh on a RHEL OS family machine.

Target operating systems

The RPM files are built for the following operating system and architecture:

  • RHEL 6 OS family (e.g. RHEL 6, CentOS 6, Amazon Linux), 64 bit


Building the RPM


$ ./storm-rpm.sh <storm-zipball-download-url>

To find a direct download URL visit the Storm downloads page and click on the link to a Storm binary release. Note: Don't use the (mirror) link on the download page because that link will first take you to one of the Apache mirror sites. Use one of the mirrors' direct links.


$ ./storm-rpm.sh http://www.eu.apache.org/dist/incubator/storm/apache-storm-0.9.1-incubating/apache-storm-0.9.1-incubating.zip

>>> Will create storm-0.9.1_incubating.el6.x86_64.rpm

This will create an RPM that will package all Storm files and directories under the directory path /opt/storm/.

Verify the RPM

You can verify the proper creation of the RPM file with:

$ rpm -qpi storm-*.rpm    # show package info
$ rpm -qpR storm-*.rpm    # show package dependencies
$ rpm -qpl storm-*.rpm    # show contents of package

Custom configuration

You can modify storm-rpm.sh directly to modify the way the RPM is packaged. For instance, you can change the root level directory to something other than /opt/storm/, or modify the name of the package maintainer.

Contributing to wirbelsturm-rpm-storm

Code contributions, bug reports, feature requests etc. are all welcome.

If you are new to GitHub please read Contributing to a project for how to send patches and pull requests to wirbelsturm-rpm-storm.


Copyright © 2014 Michael G. Noll

See LICENSE for licensing information.