Project: "RARE BOOKS"

  1. Project Description
  2. Home Page
  3. User Stories
  4. Team Members
  5. Stacks
  6. Goals

1. Description

This is a project developed for Hackathon F5 22-24 February 2023.

A marketplace website for rare book vendors and buyers was created.

On this website, the vendor (specialist/antique/rare/independent book sellers) pays a fee to advertise books that they want to sell. Anyone looking for a specific book that is no longer for sale in mainstream bookshops can search for their book at this website. If they find the book on the website they can contact the vendor directly to purchase it.

2. Home page


3. User stories

2.1 User Story (User):

  • Access rare books.
  • Communicate with the vendor.
  • Perform a product search by characteristics, keywords or location.

2.2 User Story (Vendor):

  • View the app as vendor.
  • Access to post (edit, update, delete).
  • Notify the user of newly arrived books.

4. Team Members

Name Role
Mihaela Gheorghiu Scrum Master
Hilda Da Conceicao Scrum Master (aux)
Juan Benito de Valle Mateos Product Owner
Víctor Hugo Nieto Product Owner (aux)
Gary Huayhuasi Lima Developer
Po Chan Developer
Camila Ruiz Developer
Iris Echeverría Montes Developer
Marta Muñoz Molero Developer

5. Stacks

html css javascript php github laravel
react bootstrap


  • Agile methodology - Scrum
  • Trello - User Story and tasks
  • Figma
  • GitHub
  • Postman
  • Responsive
  • Visual Studio Code

6. Goals

  • Use of a package manager
  • Compile deployment artefacts
  • Continuous Integration/ Continuous Deployment