
Repository for lab courses from MISiO at Poznan University of Technology

Primary LanguagePython

Metody Inteligencji Sztucznej i Obliczeniowej

MISIO This repository contains resources necessary to complete Artificial Intelligence courses (MISiO) at Poznan University of Technology.

Python Package

To run some of the tasks a special python package will be needed. To install it use:

git clone https://github.com/mihahauke/misio_labs
cd misio
sudo pip3 install .


sudo pip3 install git+https://github.com/mihahauke/misio_labs

or if you don't have root access:

pip3 install git+https://github.com/mihahauke/misio_labs --user 



  • you have to do all tasks
  • delays are penalized
  • cheating and sharing code will result in grade 2


"Unless stated otherwise in the task description" applies to all of the following points.

  • each task has to be completed to pass the course; failure to do so will result in FAILING (getting grade 2) regardless of points scored on other tasks;
  • a task is considered completed if a solution is submitted and it scores at least 30% of achievable points (before potential delay penalty);
  • attendance is officially mandatory (as per University code); in case of any doubts about scoring/cheating lack of attendance may result in disadvantageous consideration
  • solutions submitted before the start of the next class; every started week of delay results in cummulative -20% penalty, some examples:
    • 15/15 (100%), 5 weeks of delay, task accepted, points gained: 15 (1-0.25) = 0
    • 10/15 (66.66%), 2 weeks of delay, task accepted, points gained: 10 (1-0.22) = 6
    • 4.5/15 (30%), 1 week of delay, task accepted, points gained: (1-0.2*1) *4.5 = 3.6
    • 4.5/15 (30%), 2 weeks of delay, task accepted, points gained: (1-0.2*2)*4.5 =2.7
    • 4/15 (<30%), no delay, task not accepted, Failing grade (2),
  • sharing your code or solutions is prohibited (you may however share your thoughts and ideas)
  • submitting someone else's solutions or its parts will result in grade 2/2 and any legal repercussions available

In case of FAILING:

Complete every task and you get whatever is determined by your points (no penalties for delays).

Introduction to artificial intelligence basics: agents, environments, rationality etc. This task uses python's aima3 library for AIMA(Artificial Intelligence Modern Approach).

Practical example of uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.

Using histogram filter for navigation.

Introduction to Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) which are a fundamental framework for modern AI algorithms.

More Markov Decision Processes.

Reinforcement Learning using one of the most popular and well known algorithm: Q-learning

Reinforcement Learning in continuous spaces (can be solved with actor-critic algorithm or e.g. ddpg)


  • Michał Kempka


Big portions of the cirriculum was designed by Wojciech Jaśkowski and based on AI course on Berkley.