
The highest leaf has the lowest root.

Primary LanguagePython


Leafroot is a personal exercise for me as a software engineer.


1. Everything is asynchronous. Since pretty much all web applications are at their core I/O bound, this project makes
it easier for new developers to read, understand and write
asynchronous code. And by "everything" I mean everything:
    - asynchronous controllers
    - asynchronous connections to external services like databases.
    - asynchronous and parallel tests
2. DONE Alembic made migrations for the database.
3. DONE: Docker containers and local environment already set up.
4. DONE: Circle CI config for testing implemented.
5. TODO: Add chat integration using socketio.
6. TODO: Implement stress test.
7. DONE: Mongo database for test.
8. TODO: Implement Exception processing.
9. TODO: Implement Super User.
10. TODO: Add a rate limiter and used circumvent it in testing.
11. TODO: Implement a key-value store.
12. TODO: Implement a unique id generator in distributed systems.
23. DONE: Implement a url shortner.
24. TODO: Implement a web crawler.
25. TODO: Implement a notification system.
26. TODO: Implement a news feed system.
27. TODO: Implement a chat system.
28. TODO: Implement a search autocomplete system.
29. TODO: Implement Youtube.
30. TODO: Implement Google Drive.
31. TODO: Implement coverage html page exposed from path.
32. DONE: Implement OpenAPI Swagger documentation and write
Postman documentation for frontend developers.
34. TODO: Implement discord.
35. TODO: Implement stress test with locust and docker.
36. TODO: Add ChatGPT features.
37. TODO: Add slack integrations.
38. TODO: Add DISCORD implementation.
39. TODO: Implement pagination, async logging, payload compression.
40. TODO: Organize ELK infrastructure for logging.
41. TODO: Create an ETL for machine learning models training and releasing to production.
42. DONE: Create a photo store.

Project environment set up (for vscode and docker users)

1. Clone this repo in a directory..
2. Open it in vscode.
3. Install Dev-Containers extension.
4. Export the variabile ENV_FILE to the newly created .env_user file.
5. Run "make start_full_services"
6. Attack to the "backend" service using the vscode extension.

Programming norms

1.Please add docstring on each new file, class, and functions to stipulate their purpose and functionality. An example for one is down below:

    def add_binary(a, b):
        Returns the sum of two decimal numbers in binary digits.

                        a (int): A decimal integer
                        b (int): Another decimal integer

                        binary_sum (str): Binary string of the sum of a and b
        binary_sum = bin(a+b)[2:]
        return binary_sum

2. To check correctitude of the code format use "make lint" to get a score for your style on the project, Always push for a 10!
3. Use the following commands for some help:
   1. "make format" - formats your code using the "black" functionality
   2. "make typehint" - check for mis typing variables
4. Use the command "make coverage" or "make coverage_parallel" to
verify what percentage of your code is checked, Push for 100%!

Create migration and apply them:

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "<migration_message>" alembic upgrade head

For updating the current install packages in poetry use the following

poetry update # this updates packages in lock file
poetry self add poetry-plugin-up
poetry up # this updates package versions in pyproject.toml

To run pre-commit hooks without commit

bash .git/hooks/pre-commit

What to learn in this project

  • Adhering to programming standards
  • Programming design principles, such as:
    • Single Responsibility Principle
    • Open/Closed Principle
    • Liskov Substitution Principle
    • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Dependency Inversion Principle
  • Design patterns, including:
    • Creational patterns
    • Structural patterns
    • Behavioral patterns
  • Enhancing code readability through effective naming
  • Testing concepts, like:
    • End-to-end (E2E) testing
    • Unit testing
  • Managing time efficiently
  • Strategically pacing project development

Photo Store