Welcome to docker in action

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What is docker ?

Docker is a solution to solve common software problems, simplifying the processes related to the dev circle .

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Docker builds are isolated with respect to eight aspects.■

    PID namespace—Process identifiers and capabilities
    UTS namespace—Host and domain name
    MNT namespace—File system access and structure
    IPC namespace—Process communication over shared memory
    NET namespace—Network access and structure
    USR namespace—User names and identifiers
    chroot() —Controls the location of the file system root
    cgroups—Resource protection

Docker compose!

Docker-compose is intended for complex apps running on multiple containers.

            docker-compose start -> start a existing service container.
            docker-compose stop  -> stop command -t, --timeout
            docker-compose pause -> pause command
            docker-compose unpause -> unpause command
            docker-compose restart -> restart all containers/ or specific container
            docker-compose logs -> logs of all containers/ or specific container

docker­-co­mpose version

    Prints the version of docker­-co­mpose.

docker­-co­mpose push

    Pushes images for services to their respective regist­ry/­rep­ository

docker­-co­mpose config

    Validate and view the Compose file

docker­-co­mpose kill

    Forces running containers to stop by sending a SIGKILL signal.

docker­-co­mpose bundle

    A Dockerfile can be built into an image, and containers can be created from that image. Similarly, a docker­-co­mpo­se.yml can be built into a distri­buted applic­ation bundle

docker compose up ->

    -f, --file, -d, --detach, --no-build,--forc­e-r­ecreate,--scale SERVIC­E=NUM

Docker Swarm

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  • When it comes to clustering, the two giants, Kubernetes and Docker Swarm, are going head to head. It is all over the news, and here at Tuleap we have made our choice! But let’s back up a bit first!

      Init command
              docker swarm init --advertise-addr
      Join command
              docker swarm join --token <token> <IP>:2377