
Hibernate second level cache implementation over memcached

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hibernate - Memcached

A library for using Memcached as a second level distributed cache in Hibernate.

  • Uses spymemcached client
  • Supports entity and query caching.

Java CI with Maven

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Maven dependency

To install it, you just need to add the following Maven dependency (check Versions for the right version for you):



Example config:

<property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class">com.mc.hibernate.memcached.MemcachedRegionFactory</property>
<property name="hibernate.memcached.operationTimeout">5000</property>
<property name="hibernate.memcached.connectionFactory">KetamaConnectionFactory</property>
<property name="hibernate.memcached.hashAlgorithm">FNV1_64_HASH</property>

If memcached authentication is required you can specify username and password:

<property name="hibernate.memcached.username">memcached-username</property>
<property name="hibernate.memcached.password">memcached-password</property>

If memcached are running on a remote server, e.g. on AWS ElastiCache, you can specify the connection URL:

<property name="hibernate.memcached.servers">cache.c3wd5k.cfg.euw1.cache.amazonaws.com:11211</property>

Configuration options

Targeting the memcached client (net.spy.memcached configurations)

Property Default Value
hibernate.memcached.servers localhost:11211
hibernate.memcached.operationQueueLength (default provided by net.spy.memcached.DefaultConnectionFactory)
hibernate.memcached.readBufferSize (default provided by net.spy.memcached.DefaultConnectionFactory)
hibernate.memcached.operationTimeout (default provided by net.spy.memcached.DefaultConnectionFactory)
hibernate.memcached.hashAlgorithm NATIVE_HASH
hibernate.memcached.connectionFactory DefaultConnectionFactory
hibernate.memcached.daemonMode false
hibernate.memcached.username -
hibernate.memcached.password -

Targeting the cache implementation (global or region specific)

Property Default Value
hibernate.memcached.cacheTimeSeconds 300
hibernate.memcached.clearSupported false
hibernate.memcached.memcacheClientFactory com.mc.hibernate.memcached.spymemcached.SpyMemcacheClientFactory
hibernate.memcached.dogpilePrevention false
hibernate.memcached.dogpilePrevention.expirationFactor 2
hibernate.memcached.keyStrategy com.mc.hibernate.memcached.keystrategy.Sha1KeyStrategy

In order to specify a property for a specific region add the region name right after memcached. ex: hibernate.memcached.myregion.cacheTimeSeconds


Use the version compatible with your hibernate version (ex: Version 5.2.1.x is developed for and compatible with hibernate 5.2.1.Final)

Hibernate 6.2.x

  • v
    • Added support for Hibernate 6.2.1.Final (PR by @wglasshusain). Note: This version requires Java 17

Hibernate 5.4.x

Hibernate 5.3.x

  • no support for hibernate 5.3.0 - 5.3.2
  • for hibernate 5.3.3 - 5.3.9 use v

Hibernate 5.2.x

  • v
    • Fix for Issue #16
    • hibernate-core dependency (as provided): 5.2.17.Final
  • v
    • Add a new cache property hibernate.memcached.cacheLockTimeout (defaults to 60.000 ms)
    • Update to latest spymemcached version
    • hibernate-core dependency (as provided): 5.2.10.Final
  • v
  • v
    • Support Hibernate 5.2.7.Final (PR by @akhalikov )
    • Update spymemcached to 2.12.2
    • Tested with 5.2.7.Final - 5.2.10.Final
  • v

Hibernate 5.1.x

  • v
  • v
    • Support for Hibernate 5.1.x (tested with 5.1.1.Final - 5.1.5.Final)

Hibernate 5.0.x

  • v
    • Support for Hibernate 5.0.x

Hibernate 4.3.x

  • v
    • Fix for Issue #9 (configure the cache with all available properties)
  • v 1.1.0
    • Memcached client now respects the region timeout property Issue #1
      <property name="hibernate.memcached.REGION.cacheTimeSeconds">10</property>
  • v 1.0.0
    • Compatible with hibernate 4.3.x

Known issues
