
Bloom filter for the HIBPOfflineCheck plugin for KeePass


This is a Bloom filter for the HIBP Offline Check KeePass plugin.

This repository contains only the filter in binary format, the source code for generating it can be found in the HIBPOfflineCheck repository. You can generate the filter from the plugin options in under one hour. On a modern system with a SSD this time can be reduced to under 15 minutes.

For convenience however, you can download the filter directly from this repository's releases.

Bloom Filter characteristics

Size: 1.03 GB
False positive rate: approx. 0.1%
Capacity: 613584246 items (hashed passwords)
Hashing algorithm: MurMurHash3

Binary file format

Offset (bytes) Length (bytes) Name Type Description
0 8 Capacity long The number of items in the filter
8 4 ErrorRate float Theoretical false positive rate
12 8 BitCount ulong Number of bits in the filter
20 4 NumHashFuncs int Number of hash functions. Actually the same hash function is used multiple times with different seeds
24 4 Algorithm int Not used at the moment. Reserved for future use, in case the hashing algorithm changes
28 Bloom filter Bloom filter data divided into arrays of 64 * 1024 * 1024 bytes