Netatmo Indicator
Ubuntu debian package deployment of a Menubar indicator for the Netatmo Weather Station
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mihaigalos/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install netatmo-indicator
netatmo-indicator &
sudo apt remove --purge netatmo-indicator
The indicator stores its settings in ~/.netatmo-indicator-preferences.yaml
, with an additional credentials file
for netatmo. The credentials' file is referenced with the <credentials_file> tag in ~/.netatmo-indicator-preferences.yaml
One may edit the credentials directly in the Menu.
If desired, one may edit the ~/.netatmo-indicator-preferences.yaml and add a dictionary of aliases to substitute the names displayed. Make sure to close the indicator before you manually edit the file.
Living: In
Outdoor: Out
Bedroom: Bed
A note on credentials
When the indicator first starts, the user is presented with the settings menu. One needs to fill in his netatmo username, password, cilentId and clientSecret. All this information can be gathered from the user's netatmo profile.
Deployment [Self Note]
This is a self note. You do not need this for normal indicator usage.
Check if key already available
gpg --list-secret-keys
Generate key if not available
gpg --gen-key
gpg -a --output ~/.gnupg/mihaigalos.gpg --export 'Mihai Galos'
gpg --import ~/.gnupg/mihaigalos.gpg
Debian Package Generation
Generation for local usage / binary build
dpkg-buildpackage -b -pgpg
Generation for local deployment / source build
Launchpad (i.e.) only accepts source builds, and to avoid errors, we need an original version of the package see askubuntu for further info.
The current folder contains i.e. .git
which we do not want to deploy. We thus make a new folder foo
and create the package there.
(in the git folder)
current_directory=$(basename "$PWD")
mkdir -p ../foo/${current_directory} && find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp {*indicator,*.py,*.desktop,*.md} ../foo/${current_directory} \; && cp -r debian ../foo/${current_directory}
cd ../foo
tar -czvf ${current_directory}_0.1.orig.tar.gz ${current_directory}
cd ${current_directory}
dpkg-buildpackage -S -pgpg
Prepare for upload to Launchpad
- Ubuntu One account active
- gpg key used to sign the debian uploaded to Ubuntu Keyserver:
gpg --list-keys
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <KEY>
- OpenPGP keys displays the key
Upload source:
dput ppa:mihaigalos/ppa *source.changes