
A distributed system to store medical records

Primary LanguageJava


Our project was tested in Ubuntu 18.10(64-bit) with Java 8 but should be working in any distribution of Linux(64-bit). We use Maven to build the project.

To be able to run this project there are three things that have to be done beforehand:


  • Create a file named jaxp.properties (if it doesn't already exist) under '{path to jdk1.8}/jre/lib' and add the following line to it :

      javax.xml.accessExternalSchema = all


  • Export our KMS certificate, changing to directory 'SirsProj/kms-server/main/resources' and using the following command:

     keytool -exportcert -alias tomcat -keystore keystore.jks -file keystore.cer
  • Install the certificate into Java cacerts Keystore:

      keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file keystore.cer -storepass changeit -keystore {path to jdk1.8}/jre/lib/security/cacerts


  • Start MySQL server.

  • Connect to MySQL Server. Setup your username and password in both modules, changing lines 14 and 15 in files 'SirsProj/{each module}/src/main/resources/application.properties'.

  • Create two new databases in your MySQL server with names 'sirs' and 'kms':

      create database sirs;
      create database kms;

After that, you can run the project in your IDE or in the command line. We tested and it's working in Intellij IDEA: just run KmsApplication first and ServerApplication second.

To run our project in the command line just run the two following commands:

  1. Under 'SirsProj/kms-server':

     mvn spring-boot:run
  2. Under 'SirsProj/server-app':

     mvn spring-boot:run

Everything should be running now. The server starts with four users created, one for each role (admin, medic, nurse, patient), which credentials are:

Username Password
 0001   | admin
 0002   | admin
 0003   | admin
 0004   | admin