
A Fully Homomorphic Encryption WebAssembly module written in Rust based on a Rust library for lattice-based additive homomorphic encryption with Typescript bindings

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EasyFHE Typescript

A Fully Homomorphic Encryption WebAssembly module written in Rust based on Microsoft SEAL and node-SEAL homomorphic encryption libraries with Typescript bindings
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact
  8. Acknowledgments

About The Project


The goal is to replace the current economic model of websites' monetization. Rather than showing paid ads, that confuse and annoy people, the websites could use some of the processing power of people's devices to make several computation on some chunks of data.

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Built With

This implementation was possible with the help of certain languages, frameworks and libraries. The main used technologies are :

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Getting Started

In order to use you just need to clone / fork / download this repository.


In order for the library to work you need the following:

The library is tested on a Vue.js webapp which uses as framework quasar

  • npm
    npm install npm@latest -g
  • quasar
    npm install -g @quasar/cli


This is a example of installation on a quasar project

  1. Create a quasar project

    quasar create <project_name>
  2. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/mihailpreda/fhe-wasm-module.git easyFHE
  3. Put into the project package.json dependecy property the following:

    easyFHE : file:../easyFHE
  4. Add into quasar.conf.js in webpack configuration into the build property, the following: (immediate after chainWebpack(chain){...} )

       extendWebpack(cfg) {
         cfg.experiments = {
           asyncWebAssembly: true

    For better understanding, check this quasar.conf.js sample

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  <q-page> </q-page>

import { defineComponent } from "vue";
import getFheModule from "easyFHE";

export default defineComponent({
  name: "Example",
  async mounted() {
    const module = await getFheModule();
    const [publicKey, secretKey] = module.generateKeys();

    const plainText1 = new Uint8Array(10).fill(10);
    const encrypted1 = module.encrypt(plainText1, publicKey);
    const add = new Uint8Array(10).fill(5);
    const result1 = module.addConstantToCipher(encrypted1, add);
    const decryptedResult1 = module.decrypt(result1, secretKey);
    console.log("Decrypted addition: 10 + 5 = 15", decryptedResult1);

    const plainText2 = new Uint8Array(10).fill(10);
    const encrypted2 = module.encrypt(plainText2, publicKey);
    const sub = new Uint8Array(10).fill(7);
    const result2 = module.subtractConstantFromCipher(encrypted2, sub);
    const decryptedResult2 = module.decrypt(result2, secretKey);
    console.log("Decrypted subtraction: 10 - 7 = 3", decryptedResult2);

    const plainText3 = new Uint8Array(10).fill(10);
    const encrypted3 = module.encrypt(plainText3, publicKey);
    const mul = 8;
    const result3 = module.multiplyCipherByConstant(encrypted3, mul);
    const decryptedResult3 = module.decrypt(result3, secretKey);
    console.log("Decrypted multiplication: 10 * 8 = 80", decryptedResult3);

    const plainText4 = new Uint8Array(10).fill(20);
    const encrypted4 = module.encrypt(plainText4, publicKey);
    const div = new Uint8Array(10).fill(2);
    const iteration = 5;
    const result4 = module.divideCipherByConstant(encrypted4, div, iteration);
    const decryptedResult4 = module.decrypt(result4, secretKey);
    console.log("Decrypted division v1: 20 / 2 = 10", decryptedResult4);

    const plainText5 = new Uint8Array(10).fill(20);
    const plainText6 = new Uint8Array(10).fill(27);
    const encrypted5 = module.encrypt(plainText5, publicKey);
    const encrypted6 = module.encrypt(plainText6, publicKey);
    const result5 = module.addCiphers(encrypted5, encrypted6);
    const decryptedResult5 = module.decrypt(result5, secretKey);
      "Decrypted addition of 2 cipher texts v1: 20 + 27 = 47",

    const plainText7 = new Uint8Array(10).fill(78);
    const encrypted7 = module.encrypt(plainText7, publicKey);
    const encrypted8 = module.rerandomize(encrypted7, publicKey);
    const result6 = module.decrypt(encrypted7, secretKey);
    const result7 = module.decrypt(encrypted8, secretKey);
    console.log("Rerandomization example:");
    console.log("Initial encrypted values", encrypted7);
    console.log("Rerandozied encrypted values", encrypted8);
    console.log("Decrypted initial encrypted values", result6);
    console.log("Decrypted rerandomized encrypted values", result7);

For better understanding, check this Example.vue sample

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  • Generate keypair
  • Serialization of public key and secret key
  • Basic arithmetic operations between plaintexts and ciphertexts (Add / subtract / multiply / divide by a constant)
  • Exponentiation of a ciphertext
  • Improve processing speed
  • Improve memory usage

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Preda Mihail Irinel - mihaipreda1997@gmail.com

Project Link: https://github.com/mihailpreda/fhe-module-wasm

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This project is a proof of concept developed for master's thesis and is neither production ready in terms of optimization, nor bug free.

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