
Database Migrations and Testing with Bun, PostgreSQL, and Graphile Migrate

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL


This repo is a companion to the YouTube video: Database Migrations and Testing Video, and it is a simple project to demonstrate how to use database migrations and testing in a NodeJS / Bun project.

I am using graphile-migrate for database migrations which is a tool that allows you to manage your PostgreSQL database schema using a simple version-controlled workflow.

Make sure to have a PostgreSQL database running. In my case, I am using Crunchy Data's PostgreSQL Operator for Kubernetes, so the demo-postgres.yaml file is a Kubernetes manifest to deploy a PostgreSQL database. Note that this requires additional setup and is not required to run the project.

You just need to run a PostgreSQL database, and have a couple of users and databases created. You don't need to run it on Kubernetes.

You need toe following databases:

  • demo -> this is the main database
  • demo_shadow -> this is used by graphile-migrate to store the migration history and other metadata about the migrations.

As for database users:

  • postgres -> this is the superuser, and it is used to be able to run the migrations in watch mode during DEVELOPMENT.
  • demo_user -> this is the user that the application will use to connect to the database and run the actual migrations. This user should have access to both the demo and demo_shadow databases.

To install dependencies:

bun install

To run:

bun run gm --watch

This project was created using bun init in bun v1.0.26. Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.