
Topographical map of Slovenia

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Topographical map of Slovenia


I wanted to see topographic map on my phone. Geopedia's UI/UX is terrible. It doesn't work on phones or tablets, it doesn't support touch input, it lacks any device location knowledge, it's very slow,… It just sucks, to say the least.


There is no official way to get topo maps of Slovenia, unless you're willing to pay €500+. Talk about open public data, huh?

Luckily I found a website that hosts a bunchload of maps. And the topo map of Slovenia was hiding amongst them. Unfortunatelly files were in a very cryptic Oziexplorer format.

Now what

It took quite a lot of googling of what to do with .map extension and how I'd display all those in a browser. Amazingly I found a very fresh article by @trakais who basically did the exact same thing a couple of weeks ago.

So this were the steps:

  • brew install gdal
  • download tilers-tools
  • ./gdal_tiler.py --cut --release ../Slovenia/*.map
  • ./tiles_merge.py ../Slovenia/*.zyx ../Slovenia/final
  • brew install pngquant
  • find . -name '*.png' -print0 | xargs -0 -P4 pngquant --ext .png --force 256
  • while all this is being processed write a simple leaflet map display
  • copy images to S3
  • publish this on GitHub
  • grab a 🍺 'cause it was a great hack day 🎉


First I have to thank The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia for making this maps in the first place. Even though they're stuck in the 90s mentality, producing maps is no walk in a park.

Next whoever made and uploaded those maps.

Of course @trakais - it would take me hours of searching for what his article so nicely explained and made it a breeze.

Next come all the people working in the open source making all of this even possible. Homebrew, GDAL, tilers-tools, leaflet,… there are so many tools we depend on every day. We should really be more thankful. So if anyone of you reads this, have a 🍹 on me.

Thank you!

OK, fineeee, I don't careeee just give me the link

Here: topo