
phpRaider v1.0.10 modified and bugfixed for Sword of Mana Guild

Primary LanguagePHP

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		<div class="contentHeader">Requirements</div>
		<div style="text-align:left">
			phpRaider requires a web server (IIS, Apache, etc), a MySQL database (4.1 or higher),
			PHP (4.0 or higher), and a minimal knowledge of software installation
		<div class="contentHeader">Installing phpRaider</div>
		<div style="text-align:left">
			Installing phpRaider is meant to be an easy process. Follow the steps below for a quick
			and easy way to get up and running in no time.

					Download the latest version of phpRaider, available at
					<a href="http://www.phpraider.com/">http://www.phpraider.com/</a>.
					Unzip the file locally and upload the files to your webserver OR upload the
					archive to your server and unpack them there. Be sure to keep the directory
					structure intact!
					Start the installation process by pointing your browser to http://www.yourdomain.com/phpraider.
					Give the folders <b>cache/</b>, and <b>templates_c</b> write permissions.
					You must also give write permissions to the <b>configuration.php</b> file. If this file
					does not exist create an empty file named configuration.php and give it write permissions.<br>
					For safety reasons, you should remove the write permissions to configuration.php and the phpRaider folder after the installation.<br>

					Aftewards, you should see something similar to the following:
					<div style="text-align:center"><img src="images/readme/install_step_1.jpg"></div><br>
					Click continue, read the license information and on the next step choose "Fresh Installation."
					The rest of the install process is automated with minimal user input.
					Once installation completes, be sure to remove the <b>install/</b> directory as
					leaving it intact is a <b>serious security risk</b>!
		<div class="contentHeader">Upgrading phpRaider</div>
		<div style="text-align:left">
			Upgrading phpRaider is nearly identical to a fresh installation. It is recommended that
			you completely remove any previous installations leaving the <b>configuration.php</b> file
			and <b>games/</b> folder in place before uploading the new archive. Failure to do so may
			result in unforseen complications. Afterwards, follow the installation steps but choose "Upgrade"
			on step 4.
			If you're not running 1.0.7b or 1.0.8, then due to a known bug in the old 1.0.7 installation/upgrade, 
			it's recomended that you run an upgrade	from 1.0.6 in this installation.
		<div class="contentHeader">Configuring phpRaider</div>
		<div style="text-align:left">
			After installing phpRaider it is important that you complete the phpRaider configuration.
			You can access this via the Administer -> Configuration menu.
		<div class="contentHeader">Installing a game package</div>
		<div style="text-align:left">
			Before you can create a raid you will need to install a game package. Game packages can
			be found on the <a href="http://www.phpraider.com">phpRaider downloads</a> sections of
			the phpRaider website. After downloading a game file you can install it via two methods.
					Go to Administer -> Configuration and choose install game. Hit browse to select
					the game package and submit to install the package. Then, choose the game from the
					game dropdown menu and hit submit to save the configuration.
					If the above fails to work, you must manually install the game package. Unzip the
					game package to your computer and you will notice the game folder and an install.sql
					file. Upload the folder to your server under the phpraider/games/ folder and then
					run the install.sql file on your database using phpMyAdmin or another form of database
					management. Afterwards, go to the configuration screen (Administer -> Configuration)
					and select the game from the game dropdown menu and hit submit to save the configuration.
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					Powered by <a href="http://www.phpraider.com/">phpRaider</a><br />
					© 2005-2010 <a href="mailto:SpiffyJr@gmail.com?subject=phpRaider">Kyle Spraggs</a>. All Rights Reserved.<br /><br />
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