
Currency Converted built with React and Next.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Cuddly Currency Converter

Currency convert built with React and Next.js

Used technologies

  1. 🕹 Next.js - I used Next.js and Vercel serverless functionality for loading data from exchange api
  2. 🗃 Redis - Redis was used for storing rates, because the exchange api has a limit for requests per month
  3. 🎨 Material UI 5 - I've tried a new version of MUI in this project, new styles system looks great
  4. ☄️ Effector - Flexible and convenient state manager
  5. 💱 Exchange API - API for getting currency rates
  6. 🌐 i18next - internalization of site labels

Used technologies for code style and development

  1. ⚙️ EditorConfig
  2. 🖌️ Prettier
  3. ✔️ ESLint
  4. ☢️ Typescript