
Micro client-side js router.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Micro client-side js router.


Pages must be in div#router tag. All pages must have path attribute, that have routing of the page, in tag. * in path means all before undefined pages.


<div id="router">
    <div path="/">
        <h1>Index Page</h1>
    <div path="/news">
        <h1>News Page</h1>
    <div path="*">
        <h1>Another page or Page Not Found</h1>

Pages from another sites

You can use pages from another sites as pages in router. You need to set from attribute in your page tag.


<div id="router">
    <div path="/">
        <h1>Index Page</h1>
    <div path="/news">
        <h1>News Page</h1>
    <div path="/friend" from="http://myfriendsite.com/about"></div>
    <div path="*">
        <h1>Another page or Page Not Found</h1>


You can add scripts to pages, you just need to use Router.addScript(route, callback); in router.js


// Adding scripts here
Router.addScript("/", () => alert("Welcome!"));


To make link to routing's page, you need set route in path attribute in tag, and set class of tag as RouterLink.


    <a path="/" class="RouterLink">Index</a>
    <a path="/news" class="RouterLink">News</a>
    <a path="/friend" class="RouterLink">About page of my friend's site</a>


You can set router's config. You can set only routing mode yet. You need to set Route.config to configure router.

Route.config is object, that have one key: mode and 2 parameters: "history" or "href".

history - in this mode the router use History API to routing, and pages will be upadting withoue updating of site page in browser.

href - in this mode the router use window.location.href for transition to pages.

Route.config = {mode: "history" | "href"}


Router.routes - Array of objects of app's routes. Object have keys: route, object ({route, object}), route - route of the page, object - DOM-object with the page.

Router.scripts - Array of objects of app's routes' scripts. Object have keys: route, callback ({route, callback}).

Router.config - Object of config's parameters. This only mode parameter yet. More about it in config section.

Router.findRoutes() - Find pages in div#router tag, hide pages and add in Router.routes.

Router.checkRoute() - Check is the current pathname in Router.routes.

Router.renderPage() - Show page with the current pathname and run script with current script, if this have in Router.routes, else show page with route - *. Or send Ajax request to from attribute.

Router.goTo(route) - replace url to route and rendering page with Router.renderPage.

Router.makeLinks() - add onclick attribute to a.RouterLink.

Router.addScript(route, callback) - add object to Router.scripts. You need to add scrpits to // Adding scripts here in router.js.