Retail Inventory AI Assistant

This is an end to end LLM project based on Google Palm and Langchain. We are building a system that can talk to MySQL database. User asks questions in a natural language and the system generates answers by converting those questions to an SQL query and then executing that query on MySQL database. AtliQ Tees is a T-shirt store where they maintain their inventory, sales and discounts data in MySQL database. A store manager will may ask questions such as,

  • How many white color Adidas t shirts do we have left in the stock?
  • How much sales our store will generate if we can sell all extra-small size t shirts after applying discounts? The system is intelligent enough to generate accurate queries for given question and execute them on MySQL database

Project Highlights

  • AtliQ Tees is a t shirt store that sells Adidas, Nike, Van Heusen and Levi's t shirts
  • Their inventory, sales and discounts data is stored in a MySQL database
  • We will build an LLM based question and answer system that will use following,
    • Google Palm LLM
    • Hugging face embeddings
    • Streamlit for UI
    • Langchain framework
    • Chromadb as a vector store
    • Few shot learning
  • In the UI, store manager will ask questions in a natural language and it will produce the answers


1.Clone this repository to your local machine using:

2.Navigate to the project directory:

  cd Retail-Inventory-AI-Assistant
  1. Install the required dependencies using pip:
  pip install -r requirements.txt

4.Acquire an api key through and put it in .env file

  1. For database setup, run database/db_creation_atliq_t_shirts.sql in your MySQL workbench


  1. Run the Streamlit app by executing:
streamlit run

2.The web app will open in your browser where you can ask questions

Sample Questions

  • How many total t shirts are left in total in stock?
  • How many t-shirts do we have left for Nike in XS size and white color?
  • How much is the total price of the inventory for all S-size t-shirts?
  • How much sales amount will be generated if we sell all small size adidas shirts today after discounts?

Project Structure

  • The main Streamlit application script.
  • This has all the langchain code
  • requirements.txt: A list of required Python packages for the project.
  • Contains few shot prompts
  • .env: Configuration file for storing your Google API key.