
iOS classes for write xls sheet

Primary LanguageObjective-C


RSSheet it's a simple class for iOS to write .xls file.

# RSStyle

with RSStyle you can create the basic style of sheet, row and cell.

## Property

* `AlignmentV` it's a typedef for vertical align (`RSStyleTopALign`, `RSStyleCenterALign`, `RSStyleBottomALign`)
* `AlignmentH` it's a typedef for horizontal align (`RSStyleLeftALign`, `RSStyleMiddleALign`, `RSStyleRightALign`)
* `font` the font of this style
* `color` color of font
* `size` size of font

# RSworkSheetRow

RSworkSheetRow determinate a row in a sheet. You can set the `height` of the row and the `style`.

## Property

* `height` height of row
* `style` the style of row (an instance of RSStyle)

## Methods

* `- (id)initWithHeight:(NSInteger )height` create new row and set height.
* `- (id)initWithHeight:(NSInteger )height andStyle:(RSStyle *)style` create new row with height and style of all cell in the row.
* `- (void)addCellString:(NSString *)content` add new string cell.
* `- (void)addCellString:(NSString *)content withStyle:(RSStyle *)style` add new string cell with particular style.
* `- (void)addCellNumber:(float )content` add new Number cell.
* `- (void)addCellNumber:(float )content withStyle:(RSStyle *)style` add new Number cell with particular style.
* `- (void)addCellData:(NSDate *)content` add new cell with Date (accept NSDate)
* `- (void)addCellData:(NSDate *)content withStyle:(RSStyle *)style` add new Date cell with particular style (accept NSDate)

# RSworkSheet

`RSworkSheet` provide a new sheet for the folder. The folder (`RSworkBook`) may contain more `RSworkSheet`. Every `RSworkSheet` may contain one or more `RSworkSheetRow`. You can set the name of the sheet, the default column width and the default row height.

## Property

* `columnWidth` default width of the column
* `rowHeight` default height of row
* `name` name of the sheet

## Methods

* `- (id)initWithName:(NSString*)nameSheet` init workSheet with new name.
* `- (void)addWorkSheetRow:(RSworkSheetRow*)row` add to workSheet new row.

# RSworkBook

RSworkBook it's the folder that contains all the `RSworkSheet`. It's a simple container that write to file the document

## Property

* `author` the author of the document
* `version` version of the document
* `date` date that write document
* `defaultStyle` default style to all cell (it's applied if the style of cell and row did not specified)

## Methods

* `- (void)addWorkSheet:(RSworkSheet *)sheet` add workSheet to folder.
* `- (BOOL)writeWithName:(NSString*)name toPath:(NSString*)path` write the document with specified name and ti specified path.

# Example
    RSworkBook * folder = [ [RSworkBook alloc] init];
    folder.author = @"andrea cappellotto";
    folder.version = 1.2;
    RSworkSheet * sheet = [[RSworkSheet alloc] initWithName:@"prova"];
    RSworkSheetRow * row = [[RSworkSheetRow alloc] initWithHeight:20];
    [row addCellString:@"prova"];
    [row addCellString:@"prova2"];
    [sheet addWorkSheetRow:row];
    RSworkSheetRow * row2 = [[RSworkSheetRow alloc] initWithHeight:25];
    [row2 addCellNumber:100];
    [row2 addCellData:[NSDate date] ];
    [sheet addWorkSheetRow:row2];
    [folder addWorkSheet:sheet];
    NSArray *documentPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
	NSString *documentsDir = [documentPaths objectAtIndex:0];
    [folder writeWithName:@"prova" toPath:documentsDir];

this code create test.xls compatible with MSOffice (Mac, Win). Test.xls have two row with two cell. First row have two String and second row have a Number (float) and a date (NSDate)