
A lightweight mock data API built with Express and Faker for generating fake data.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Use MockAPI For Free

NEW: Free Hosted API

Accelerate your development process by leveraging MockAPI's FREE hosted service at https://api.mockapi.xyz/. Check out usage examples below.

Note: A captivating front-end experience is on the horizon, enhancing your MockAPI journey even further.

If you find MockAPI valuable and wish to support its servers and maintenance, you can show your appreciation by buying me a coffee! Your support goes a long way in ensuring the continued availability and improvement of this free service. Cheers to building amazing projects together!

"Buy Me A Coffee"

MockAPI is a powerful mock data API designed to streamline the development and testing of applications by providing dynamic and customizable mock data. Leveraging Express, Faker, and Knex, MockAPI offers a range of tools for generating, creating, and validating mock API endpoints based on predefined schemas.

Quick start

Get started with MockAPI by cloning the repository and installing dependencies using npm:

git clone https://github.com/mihneamanolache/MockAPI
cd MockAPI
npm install

Next, compile TypeScript to JavaScript, run migrations, and start the server:

npm run build 
npm run migrate
npm run start:prod

Available Endpoints:

MockAPI comes with three predefined endpoints and allows you to create as many custom ones as needed:

  • GET /getTypes - get available mock data types (from FakerJS)
  • POST /checkSchema - test if your schema is valid before creating a new route
  • POST /createEndpoint - create a new mock API route

If no PORT variable is defined, the default port is 3000, and you can access the API at http://localhost:3000:

Getting Data Types

To access available data types from FakerJS:

curl http://localhost:3000/getTypes


    "types": [

Validating Your Schema

Before creating a new mock API route, test if the schema is valid with a POST request:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "location": "location.streetName",
  "animals": {
    "lions[]": "animal.lion",
    "birds[]": "animal.bird"
  "number": "datatype.number",
  "paths[]": "system.filePath"
}' http://localhost:3000/checkSchema


    "valid": true

Creating a New Endpoint

Use the POST /createEndpoint route to create a new mock API route. Provide a payload adhering to the IResource interface:

IResource {
    name:           string;     // ie. "zoo" || "api/zoo" || "api/zoos/my-zoo"
    method?:        HttpMethod; // GET | POST | PUT etc.
    schema:         JSON;       // JSON object
    is_list?:       boolean;    // Should the schema be returned as a list?
    status_code:    number      // HTTP response status code


  • Ifis_list flag is enabled, the response will consist of an array containing replicated schema instances.
  • If your schema key includes [], MockAPI will intelligently generate a list of properties. For example, if your schema is { "lions[]": "animal.lion" }, the response from MockAPI will be in the format { "lions": [<race>, <race>...] }.


curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "name": "zoo",
  "method": "GET",
  "schema": {
    "location": "location.streetName",
    "animals": {
      "lions[]": "animal.lion",
      "birds[]": "animal.bird",
      "bears[]": "animal.bear"
  "is_list": false,
  "status_code": 200
}' http://localhost:3000/createEndpoint
    "success": "Resource created successfully!"

Accessing Your Endpoint

Upon successful creation, you can access the newly added route at http://localhost:3000/<name>. Example:

curl http://localhost:3000/zoo


    "location": "N Franklin Street",
    "animals": {
        "lions": [
            "Northeast Congo Lion",
            "West African Lion",
            "Masai Lion",
            "Transvaal lion",
            "Transvaal lion",
            "Transvaal lion",
            "Masai Lion",
            "Barbary Lion",
            "Barbary Lion",
            "Asiatic Lion"
        "birds": [
            "White-winged Scoter",
            "Long-tailed Jaeger",
            "Hairy Woodpecker",
            "Bay-breasted Warbler",
            "Western Wood-Pewee",
            "Tropical Kingbird",
            "Black Oystercatcher",
            "Black-backed Woodpecker",
            "Lesser Black-backed Gull"
        "bears": [
            "Spectacled bear",
            "Polar bear",
            "American black bear",
            "Sloth bear",
            "Polar bear",
            "Sloth bear",
            "American black bear",
            "American black bear",
            "American black bear",
            "Sloth bear"


  • Express - A fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js.
  • Faker - A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
  • Knex - A SQL query builder for Node.js.
  • Lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, and extras.
  • dotenv - Loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env.

Demo Usage

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Feel free to explore and contribute to the project!