Ave Christus Rex video

hello. this is gravilk writing this. it's been over a year since we initially found the encryption key in the old old script. since then a lot of other hard working people have found it. we've decided to publish this because it has come to our attention that somebody has likely already leaked/sold this information to multiple people. i'm sorry to all the people this might affect in the future but i believe in your skills and believe you can reverse this again after an update drops. my friend (bebe) is already working on a better solution that will not be published.

i (gravilk) am open to working on other projects than this. for now i will be quitting the hcaptcha reversing developments indefinitely. you can still contact my friend bebe for hcaptcha inquiries though.

honorable mentions:

  • ben bicknell (you are saving this company)
  • nobody else because i dont wanna add anyone here without their permission <3

this repo has been posted with explicit permission from both gravilk and bebe and we are not planning to post anything else anytime soon due to obvious reasons. this project is abandoned for me.

@gravilk on telegram and discord @0e4743fc5ff7d786c9af81a39a0724b4 on discord (bebe)


version - https://newassets.hcaptcha.com/c/6c2596db2ce08d2f8763801d158624c790db3d34b0235bb33999fd85979fac64/hsw.js func230, Array.from(new Uint8Array(memories.$sb.buffer.slice($var8.value, $var8.value+32)))