naaya.sql - simple database connection interface for Naaya
This product provides the ability to ask and retrieve a connection to an sqlite database.
Creating a database:
db = naaya.sql.new_db() your_object.my_db = db
db or my_db property of your_object is a naaya.sql.NaayaSqlDb persistent object. You can later on retrieve a cursor for the same database.
Retrieving a cursor for a database, executing queries:
cursor = your_object.my_db.cursor() cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE t(x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, y, z)") # or simply: your_object.my_db.cursor().execute("DROP TABLE t")
naaya.sql.NaayaSqlDb.cursor() raises naaya.sql.DbMissing exception if db is missing (e.g. if the file was removed from the disk).
Deleting a database:
your_object.my_db.drop() del your_object.my_db