Eclipse plugin that understands ANSI escape sequences to color the Eclipse console output.
- accerqueiraBrazil
- aiziyuerHangzhou,China
- arendon1Globant
- arichiardi@cohesic
- be-hase@line
- BenBlumerShapeMeasure
- cderooveSoftware Languages Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- hasonSurvio, @webuni
- hellobigbean
- iKoznovWärtsilä
- ilxPula, Croatia
- jason-friesStanford University
- JimiHFordRochester, NY
- jubalh@SUSE
- jwachterBW, Germany
- kotharBJSS
- kphairIreland
- MajorTalBooking.com
- malahx@IDnow
- murzz
- nrdufourNav Technologies
- ossan-pg横浜
- paericksen
- paulviSZJUG, CTO club
- piotr-czfreelance
- poblish@ GlintPay Ltd
- robotman3000Error: NullPointerException
- rockotseng
- ryantenneyRochester, New York
- saki7Tokyo, Japan
- shreyasbharathCulture Amp
- SpiritWolf2015
- SRombautsUnity
- The-AlchemistPhiladelphia, PA, USA
- tingley@lilt
- venusdrogonximalaya