Highly accessible themes for Neovim, conforming with the highest standard for color contrast between background and foreground values (WCAG AAA). A Neovim port of the original Modus Themes built for GNU Emacs.
- 010391480
- 0x0003
- abosnjakovic@8seats
- allencho1222university
- andis-sprinkis@Accenture
- bravoechoUK
- cvigilv@proterabio
- dwoodwardgbDMV
- efrizoid
- fdrioJersey City, NJ
- get-state
- GusJelly
- hadret@TryGhost
- hamadahiro
- haunt98ZaloPay / VNG
- hedyhlilocalhost
- Jascha95
- keaisingNetherland
- lanastasovZaUtre
- Lysander6
- miikanissiWildpack Beverage Inc
- morekaETH Zürich
- mseltahirTutipay
- nadir-ishiguro
- narajaonNaina Consulting
- newvicklee
- not-a-toad
- NotAShelf@feel-co
- rwxgantaBrasil
- tan-weiBeijing
- tiejunhuBeijing
- tomMoulard@traefik
- tonmoy998Mote
- towry
- vneaFrance
- zhuangyaBeijing, China