
A simple unix command interpreter(shell)

Primary LanguageC

Simple UNIX Shell

What is shell ?

The shell is a Command Line Interface(CLI) that can be used to interact with the kernel of an Operating System OS specifically for linux. It can basically do any task that a GUI file explorer or file manager can do like navigating through folder deleting and creating files. but with more flexable features like scripting. with scripting you can automate tasks that are done frequently through out the day without the interfirence of humans and many many more you can read more about shells here.


This is a simple UNIX shell that performs some tasks that a standard UNIX shell can perform. It was assignment project form our school @HolbertonALX


To preceed with the installation process you will need the following tools.

If you got this two installed we can preceed

gcc -std=gnu89 *.c -o hsh

Example input output:

SHELL> gcc -std=gnu89 *.c -o hsh
a.out  AUTHORS  DEV  hsh  lenv.c  lenv.h  lmemory.h  lstring.h  main.h  memory.c  README.md  shell.c  string_2.c  string.c  text
SHELL> ./hsh 
#cisfun$ ls
a.out  AUTHORS  DEV  hsh  lenv.c  lenv.h  lmemory.h  lstring.h  main.h  memory.c  README.md  shell.c  string_2.c  string.c  text

#cisfun$ ls
a.out  AUTHORS  DEV  hsh  lenv.c  lenv.h  lmemory.h  lstring.h  main.h  memory.c  README.md  shell.c  string_2.c  string.c  text

#cisfun$ ls
a.out  AUTHORS  DEV  hsh  lenv.c  lenv.h  lmemory.h  lstring.h  main.h  memory.c  README.md  shell.c  string_2.c  string.c  text

#cisfun$ test 

#cisfun$ test

#cisfun$ file
Usage: file [-bcCdEhikLlNnprsSvzZ0] [--apple] [--extension] [--mime-encoding]
            [--mime-type] [-e <testname>] [-F <separator>]  [-f <namefile>]
            [-m <magicfiles>] [-P <parameter=value>] [--exclude-quiet]
            <file> ...
       file -C [-m <magicfiles>]
       file [--help]

#cisfun$ jl   
./hsh : No such file or directory

Now you are good to go.

Feature supported for the moument

  • Command execution
  • Getting information about the envirnoment
  • Others comming soon.


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