
Where is Taiwan? What are the cities of Taiwan? Where am I at the co-ordinates of (120.9682 , 23.74749)? Come in to check out the break down analysis of the geography of Taiwan!

Primary LanguageR


GIS is used to develop and store geographic and attribute data. Geographic analysis which looks at spatial distributions of lands, people and resources and attempts to explain and predict.


x <- c("ggmap", "rgdal", "rgeos", "maptools", "dplyr", "tidyr", "tmap")
lapply(x, library, character.only = TRUE)

Load data

GIS datasets

twn <- readOGR(dsn = "C:/Users/USER/Desktop/Spatial task/TWN_adm/TWN_adm2.shp")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "C:\Users\USER\Desktop\Spatial task\TWN_adm\TWN_adm2.shp", layer: "TWN_adm2"
## with 22 features
## It has 11 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  ID_0 ID_1 ID_2

Plotting Taiwan!


Checking the centre of Taiwan

twnE <- coordinates(gCentroid(twn))[[1]]
twnN <- coordinates(gCentroid(twn))[[2]]

twnE ; twnN
## [1] 120.9682

## [1] 23.74749
east <- sapply(coordinates(twn)[,1], function(x) x > twnE)
north <- sapply(coordinates(twn)[,2], function(x) x > twnN)

Select zones where

##  [1] "ID_0"      "ISO"       "NAME_0"    "ID_1"      "NAME_1"   
##  [6] "ID_2"      "NAME_2"    "TYPE_2"    "ENGTYPE_2" "NL_NAME_2"
## [11] "VARNAME_2"
## [1] 225
## Levels: 225
## [1] 1 2 3 4
## Levels: 1 2 3 4
##  [1] 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
## Levels: 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
## [1] Taiwan
## Levels: Taiwan
## [1] Kaohsiung      Pratas Islands Taipei         Taiwan        
## Levels: Kaohsiung Pratas Islands Taipei Taiwan
##  [1] Kaohsiung City <NA>           Taipei City    Changhwa      
##  [5] Chiayi         Hsinchu        Hualien        Ilan          
##  [9] Kaohsiung      Keelung City   Miaoli         Nantou        
## [13] Penghu         Pingtung       Taichung City  Taichung      
## [17] Tainan City    Tainan         Taipei         Taitung       
## [21] Taoyuan        Yunlin        
## 21 Levels: Changhwa Chiayi Hsinchu Hualien Ilan ... Yunlin
## [1] Chuan-shih     <NA>           District|Hsien Shi           
## Levels: Chuan-shih District|Hsien Shi
## [1] Special Municipality <NA>                 County              
## [4] Municipality        
## Levels: County Municipality Special Municipality
## [1] <NA>
## Levels:
##  [1] Gaoxiong Shi            <NA>                   
##  [3] Taibei Shi              Zhanghua|Changhua      
##  [5] Jiayi|Chiai             Xinzhu                 
##  [7] Hualia                  Yilan                  
##  [9] Gaoxiong                Jilong Shi|Chilung City
## [11] Pingdong                Taizhong Shi           
## [13] Taizhong                Tainan Shi             
## [15] Taibei                  Taidong                
## [17] Yüanlin               
## 16 Levels: Gaoxiong Gaoxiong Shi Hualia ... Zhanghua|Changhua
plot(twn[twn$ID_2 == 2, ], add = TRUE, col = 'Red')

a <- is.na(twn$NAME_2)
##  [1] Kaohsiung City Taipei City    Changhwa       Chiayi        
##  [5] Hsinchu        Hualien        Ilan           Kaohsiung     
##  [9] Keelung City   Miaoli         Nantou         Penghu        
## [13] Pingtung       Taichung City  Taichung       Tainan City   
## [17] Tainan         Taipei         Taitung        Taoyuan       
## [21] Yunlin        
## 21 Levels: Changhwa Chiayi Hsinchu Hualien Ilan ... Yunlin