
A step-by-step tutorial on building BBC News classifiers! With the use of the text-mining (tm) R package and another few for the KNN and SVM model.

Primary LanguageR



KNN classifier on BBC News Categories

This work aims to build a News classifier, to identify News from 5 categories: business, entertainment, politics, sport and tech. We will perform a knn predictive analysis with the class package along text preprocessings using the tm package. The classifier is built upon 2225 BBC News Datasets from 2005-2006. Datasets can be found under the folder bbc-fulltext.

R Packages used:

  • tm: Text-Mining Package
  • plyr: Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data
  • class: Functions for Classification (knn)


How to Build a Text Mining, Machine Learning Document Classification System in R!
Package ‘tm’
The caret Package
Package ‘class’


  1. Load libraries
libs <- c("tm", "plyr", "class", "e1071")
lapply(libs, require, character.only = TRUE)
  1. Set options - do not read strings as factors
options(stringAsFactors = FALSE)
  1. Define 5 categories & specify the path of data
categories <- c("business", "entertainment",
                "politics", "sport", "tech")
pathname <- "../bbc-fulltext"

Text cleaning

Create cleanCorpus() to clean the text data:

  1. Remove punctuation
  2. Remove white space
  3. Convert all words to lowercase
  4. Remove words - stopwords() specifies the group of predefined stopwords to be removed
    i.e. stopwords("English") = the, is, at, which, and on
cleanCorpus <- function(corpus) {
  corpus.tmp <- tm_map(corpus, removePunctuation)
  corpus.tmp <- tm_map(corpus.tmp, stripWhitespace)
  corpus.tmp <- tm_map(corpus.tmp, tolower)
  corpus.tmp <- tm_map(corpus.tmp, removeWords, stopwords("english"))

Build Term-Document Matrix (TDM)

A Term-Document Matrix describes the frequency of terms in the collection of documents.

  1. Read in data from prespecified path
  2. Apply cleanCorpus() created from the previous step
  3. Apply TermDocumentMatrix() to create the resulting term-document matrices
  4. Sparsity specifies the percentage of emptiness a word occurs in documents.
    i.e. a term occurring 0 times in 70/100 documents = the term has a sparsity of 0.7
    We wish to remove words with sparsity > 0.7.
    i.e. The resulting matrix retains words occuring in 30% of documents or more.

Create an object tdm - note that several paths (articles) are being read in.

generateTDM <- function(cate, path) {
  s.dir <- sprintf("%s/%s", path, cate)
  s.cor <- Corpus(DirSource(directory = s.dir))
  s.cor.cl <- cleanCorpus(s.cor)
  s.tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(s.cor.cl)
  s.tdm <- removeSparseTerms(s.tdm, 0.7) # setting sparsity threshold
  result <- list(name = cate, tdm = s.tdm)

tdm <- lapply(categories, generateTDM, path = pathname)

Attach names

Create binCategoryToTDM() and bind predefined categories to the existing TDM:

  1. Coerce TDM from a tdm object to matrix & transpose
  2. Coerce the transposed matrices into data frames
  3. Bind the resulting data frames with the name of each element of tdm
    (Encouraged: Print out tdm produced from above to see how it looks like!)
  4. Rename using the predefined names of categories
bindCategoryToTDM <- function(tdm) {
  s.mat <- t(data.matrix(tdm[["tdm"]]))
  s.df <- as.data.frame(s.mat, stringsAsFactors = F)
  s.df <- cbind(s.df, rep(tdm[["name"]], nrow(s.df)))
  colnames(s.df)[ncol(s.df)] <- "targetcategory"

cateTDM <- lapply(tdm, bindCategoryToTDM)


Create a final data frame for analysis.

  1. Bind the tdm data frames into one stack row by row.
  2. Assign 0 to missing values.
tdm.stack <- do.call(rbind.fill, cateTDM)
tdm.stack[is.na(tdm.stack)] <- 0


Create random samples (indicies) for training and test sets. (0.7:0.3)

train.idx <- sample(nrow(tdm.stack), ceiling(nrow(tdm.stack) * 0.7))
test.idx <- (1:nrow(tdm.stack)) [- train.idx]


We will add two more steps of preprocessing before we start feeding the data (news article) into our models.

tdm.cate <- tdm.stack[, "targetcategory"]
tdm.stack.nl <- tdm.stack[, !colnames(tdm.stack) %in% "targetcategory"]
  1. tdm.cate stores the column of the target category (including both training and test sets.)
  2. tdm.stack.nl stores the rest of the columns.

A quick break down of !colnames(tdm.stack) %in% "targetcategory": colnames(tdm.stack) returns all the column names of the tdm.stack. While %in% is the operator of searching, %in% "targetcategory" searches for and return the column. We want the columns that are NOT "targetcategory" that we inverse the result with an ! operator.

These are prepared to forward into the next part:


With a K-Nearest-Neighbour (knn) model, each data point (the news article we intend to pair up with a category) search for the nearest k neighbouring data points. The category receiving the most votes from the k data points will be the final winning class (assigned to the news article.) 3 main arguments will be required to feed into the knn() function.

  1. training = matrix (or data frame) of the training set cases, without the category being specified.
  2. test = matrix (or data frame) of the test set cases.
  3. cl = true classifications, or the true category, of the training set cases.

And a couple of optional arguments.

  1. k = the number of neighbours considered. (default k = 1)
  2. l = minimum number of votes gained for definite decision. (default l = 0)
  3. prob = if set TRUE, the proportion of votes (for the winning class) will be returned. (default prob = FALSE)

Now we feed the dataset required into the model. Compare the predictions and the actual values.

knn.pred <- knn(train = tdm.stack.nl[train.idx, ],
                test = tdm.stack.nl[test.idx, ],
                cl = tdm.cate[train.idx]),
                k = 1)
knn.mat <- table("Predictions" = knn.pred, "Actual" = tdm.cate[test.idx])
##                Actual
## Predictions     business entertainment politics sport tech
##   business           153            12       12    10    6
##   entertainment        7           102        3     7    5
##   politics             2             0      101     0    9
##   sport                2             5        6   131    3
##   tech                 0             0        0     0   91

It looks pretty good so far - the main diagonal gives us the number of correct prediction for each category.

knn.acc <- sum(diag(knn.mat))/sum(knn.mat)
## [1] 0.8665667

Which indicate the proportion of the correct predictions = 0.87
Seems like we've done a pretty good prediction!