
:shell: manage plugin for the shell script.

Primary LanguageShell


sham is management tool for bash plugs.

sham example

# If
[[ -d ~/.sham ]] || git clone https://github.com/mijime/sham ~/.sham;
source ~/.sham/dist/sham.sh;

sham mijime/sham --dir ~/.sham;
sham mijime/dotfiles --of=".shrc.d/*.{sh,bash} shrc.d/mysh/*.{sh,bash}" use:".bin/*";
sham yourname/yourapp --from git://your.git.server/yourapp.git at:v3.0.0 --use cool-cli;

sham install 2>/dev/null && sham load;

sham options

options description default examples
of of: "*.{zsh,sh}"
use use:"bin/*"
at at:master
do do:'./install --all'
dir {repository dir}/plugin name dir: ~/.fzf
as {plugin name} as: other_unique_name
from github://{plugin name} from: github://mijime/dotfiles

sham commands

command description options
install Install described items --color --verbose
update Update installed items --color --verbose
status List installed items --color --verbose
load Source installed plugins
clean Remove repositories which are no longer managed --color --yes