
BigSur/Monterey WiFi icons for Realtek USB adapters!

Primary LanguageShell

This project is discontinued

I am discontinuing this project since no matter how many attempts to get the WiFi icons to change with the system theming I never succeeded in a way that made me satisfied or I felt was good enough.

I have since bought a Broadcom card for my machine and I have no use for my dongle anymore and now it sits in my cabinet drawer for the time being.\

If you stumbled across this feel free to fork it and modify it to your needs.
End of transmission.

Realtek BigSur/Monterey WiFi Icons

The Default icons look really bad and for that reason I decided to create my own.

Created using SF Fonts and Photoshop.



To use the script open a Terminal Window in the project's folder and run:
sh installationScript.sh

You will be prompted to logout so the changes can be applied!
The script will quit the process and reopen it, so no logout necessary!

Manual Installation

Copy the icons from the theme of your choosing and move them to:
/Library/Application Support/WLAN/StatusBarApp.app/Contents/Resources

To open StatusBarApp.app you can right click on it and then on Show Package Contents

You will need to logout so the changes can be applied!
Or you can open a Terminal Window and:
killall StatusBarApp to kill the process and open the .app you just modified!


Here is how it looks:

Dark Mode

Light Mode


The icons don't change based on System theme.
For now you can rerun the installation script as it doesn't require a logout anymore!
But I will be looking for a solution to that problem that doesn't require white/black icons in the same file
The project is now discontinued.