
Lox interpreter from Crafting Interpreters

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Tree walk interpreter

Lox tree-walk interpreter as part of the Crafting Interpreters book whose source code can be found at https://github.com/munificent/craftinginterpreters

https://github.com/rodaine/rlox was useful as a reference for translating the Java visitor pattern to Rust

the main binary can parse a script or work as a repl

On Chapter 11.5 hit some bug where for loops results in undefined variables in the increment. I figured it'd be best to just move on to the bytecode compiler since that was somewhat close to the end of the section

Cleanup items

  • LoxError encomposses a few types of errors while EvalError has its own set. So far it makes sense to split these out but im not quite sure that I need all encompassing errors or if I should keep them within their own modules
  • Avoid OOP style of mutable state in the parser
  • Visitor pattern should be taking in Expr::Unary directly and not Expr alone somehow. Currently handling this by using EvalError::UnreachableError
  • LiteralKind has its own copy of the value that Token's lexeme stores although the lexeme is always stringified
    • Maybe there should be an optional LoxValue type for a token instead
    • The TokenKind enum could have an is_literal function that tells you whether or not the specific enumeration is of a literal type
  • Environment should return by ref instead of copy for get()
  • Replace token_matches with token_matches_any and add a new single tokenkind sig for token_matches
  • Use something other than the return_value member of Interpreter to handle return values
  • EnvironmentStack copies do not share any common values so closures sharing globally mutated values are not going to work
  • Interpreter's locals should not hold Expr directly but a wrapper around Expr that is hashable/eq disregarding line number while the normal token hashable/eq takes into account line number

Features I want to add

  • The REPL should print out the result of expressions without requiring another print statement
    • So it'll just execute statements but for expressions it'll evaluate it and then print out the value
  • Support for break and continue statements. They may be nested inside other blocks.
  • Anonymous functions

Virtual machine

Fairly direct translation of clox to rust

Things I skipped

  • Ch 20, pretty much entirely. I'm using the Rust HashMap isntead of rolling my own as the book does. I'm skipping string interning as well.