
Literate programing plateformer

Primary LanguageRuby

 _  _ _        _                       ___
| |(_) |      | |         _           / __)
| | _| | ____ | | _____ _| |_ _____ _| |__ ___   ____ ____
| || | ||  _ \| |(____ (_   _) ___ (_   __) _ \ / ___)    \
| || | || |_| | |/ ___ | | |_| ____| | | | |_| | |   | | | |
 \_)_|\_)  __/ \_)_____|  \__)_____) |_|  \___/|_|   |_|_|_|


Lilplateform is a literate programming plateformer using the lilp gem and the ray library. Since it's more of an experiment, and because README files rock, let's make its development README-driven.

Features (open for ideas)

  • A sprite that moves around
  • ???


Anybody can participate. Just fork, clone, then run

bundle install

Then you can modify the sources in literate_src/. By running the watchr spec.watchr, the project will be automatically compiled under the src/ directory each time you save a file under literate_src/.

To run the game, simply do

ruby literate_src/lilplateform.rb.md