A fully-fledged Markdown desktop application that supports Github Flavored Markdown. Created using Node-Webkit.
First you will need to install node-webkit for your platform see node-webkit repository for details
then clone this repository:
$ git clone git@github.com:malko/markdownald.git
go to the application directory, install the dependencies and launch node-webkit:
$ cd markdownald
$ npm install
$ nm ./
or under linux if nw is in your path you can launch directly
$ ./markdownald/markdownald.sh
- better editor bindings on return and indent/outdent
- navigate through tabs with keyboard navigation
- check for dirty file before closing tab / window
- allow drag on drop of files from file system
- add some delay for the rendering to avoid flickering in certain cases
- [-] add editor bindings for common style opération (bold, underline, add link, images...)
- bold, italic
- lists, bloquotes, titles
- images, links
- add fullscreen support
- add recent list file management to the file menu
- add detection for disk file change
- add mode wrap to user settings
- [-] better css for markdown rendering
- [-] add some styles
- add a display for checkboxes as on github flavord markdown
- allow users to change theme settings
- for editor
- font size
- for markdown
- for interface
- for highlighted code preview
- export generated output to html
- export generated output to pdf
- integrate with github api to read and save directly from github
- node-webkit as the foundation of the application
- stylus to ease css creation
- marked for the preview of the markdown generated
- highlightjs for highlighting source code in preview
- CodeMirror for the editor part