How to roll your own auth

This repo is a companion to this YouTube video:

  1. Discord OAUTH with passport.js
    new Strategy(
        clientId: process.env.DISCORD_CLIENT_ID!,
        clientSecret: process.env.DISCORD_SECRET_ID!,
        callbackUrl: `${process.env.API_URL}/auth/discord/callback`,
        scope: ["identify"],

      async (_accessToken, _refreshToken, profile, done) => {
        // 1. grab id
        const discordId = as string;

        // 2. db lookup
        let user = await db.query.users.findFirst({
          where: eq(usersTable.discordId, discordId),

        // 3. create user if not exists
        if (!user) {
          [user] = await db

        // 4. return user
        done(null, user);
    ) as any
  1. JWTs
const createAuthTokens = (
  user: DbUser
): { refreshToken: string; accessToken: string } => {
  const refreshToken = jwt.sign(
    { userId:, refreshTokenVersion: user.refreshTokenVersion },
      expiresIn: "30d",

  const accessToken = jwt.sign(
    { userId: },
      expiresIn: "15min",

  return { refreshToken, accessToken };
  1. Cookies
// __prod__ is a boolean that is true when the NODE_ENV is "production"
const cookieOpts = {
  httpOnly: true,
  secure: __prod__,
  sameSite: "lax",
  path: "/",
  domain: __prod__ ? `.${process.env.DOMAIN}` : "",
  maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10, // 10 year
} as const;

export const sendAuthCookies = (res: Response, user: DbUser) => {
  const { accessToken, refreshToken } = createAuthTokens(user);
  res.cookie("id", accessToken, cookieOpts);
  res.cookie("rid", refreshToken, cookieOpts);

How to deploy server to VPS

Get a VPS like Hostinger if you don't already have one. Use code BENAWAD at checkout for additional savings (SPONSORED)

  1. Save yourself some hassle and setup passwordless ssh into your VPS:
  2. Install Dokku on your VPS (I like to use this for zero-downtime deployments)
    • The latest version of Ubuntu that Dokku works with is 22.04 (you can change versions in Hostinger's dashboard)
  3. Create an app dokku apps:create api
  4. Create database
  5. Link database dokku postgres:link pg api
  6. Create Docker image on your computer docker build -t example/auth:1 . --platform=linux
  7. Send Docker image to VPS docker image save example/auth:1 | ssh root@ docker load
  8. Tag image in your VPS docker tag example/auth:1 dokku/api:latest
  9. Deploy dokku deploy api latest
    • This will fail
  10. Set environment variables
    dokku config:set api FRONTEND_URL= ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=hj890duj01jd9012j0dj9021390132 REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET=q90wej9201je091212903291308 DISCORD_SECRET_ID=asdj902j1d0921 DISCORD_CLIENT_ID=129032180312
    • This should redeploy the app and it should work

Custom domain

  1. Setup DNS so your domain points to the VPS
  2. Setup https on your VPS using letsencrypt dokku plugin:
    • You will need to set your domain first: dokku domains:set api

VPS Security

Frontend deployment

I like to use Cloudflare pages

Debugging cookies