
📦 Currency mask module for Angular

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Table of contents


Getting Started

Installing and Importing

Install the package by command:

    npm install ngx-currency --save

Import the module

import { NgxCurrencyModule } from "ngx-currency";

    imports: [
    declarations: [...],
    providers: [...]
export class AppModule {}


<input currencyMask formControlName="value" />
  • ngModel An attribute of type number. If is displayed '$ 25.63', the attribute will be '25.63'.


You can set options...

<!-- example for pt-BR money -->
<input currencyMask formControlName="value" [options]="{ prefix: 'R$ ', thousands: '.', decimal: ',' }"/>

Available options:

  • align - Text alignment in input. (default: right)
  • allowNegative - If true can input negative values. (default: true)
  • decimal - Separator of decimals (default: '.')
  • precision - Number of decimal places (default: 2)
  • prefix - Money prefix (default: '$ ')
  • suffix - Money suffix (default: '')
  • thousands - Separator of thousands (default: ',')
  • nullable - when true, the value of the clean field will be null, when false the value will be 0
  • min - The minimum value (default: undefined)
  • max - The maximum value (default: undefined)
  • inputMode - Determines how to handle numbers as the user types them (default: FINANCIAL)

Input Modes:

  • FINANCIAL - Numbers start at the highest precision decimal. Typing a number shifts numbers left. The decimal character is ignored. Most cash registers work this way. For example:
    • Typing '12' results in '0.12'
    • Typing '1234' results in '12.34'
    • Typing '1.234' results in '12.34'
  • NATURAL - Numbers start to the left of the decimal. Typing a number to the left of the decimal shifts numbers left; typing to the right of the decimal replaces the next number. Most text inputs and spreadsheets work this way. For example:
    • Typing '1234' results in '1234'
    • Typing '1.234' results in '1.23'
    • Typing '12.34' results in '12.34'
    • Typing '123.4' results in '123.40'

You can also set options globally...

import { CurrencyMaskInputMode, NgxCurrencyModule } from "ngx-currency";

export const customCurrencyMaskConfig = {
    align: "right",
    allowNegative: true,
    allowZero: true,
    decimal: ",",
    precision: 2,
    prefix: "R$ ",
    suffix: "",
    thousands: ".",
    nullable: true,
    min: null,
    max: null,
    inputMode: CurrencyMaskInputMode.FINANCIAL

    imports: [
    declarations: [...],
    providers: [...],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Quick fixes

Ionic 2-3

Input not working on mobile keyboard

<!-- Change the type to 'tel' -->
    <input currencyMask type="tel" formControlName="value" />

Input focus get hide by the mobile keyboard


<!-- Change the type to 'tel' -->
    <input currencyMask type="tel" formControlName="value" [id]="'yourInputId' + index" (focus)="scrollTo(index)" />

on .ts

import { Content } from 'ionic-angular';

export class...

    @ViewChild(Content) content: Content;
    scrollTo(index) {
        let yOffset = document.getElementById('yourInputId' + index).offsetTop;
        this.content.scrollTo(0, yOffset + 20);


Prepare your environment

  • Install Node.js and NPM
  • Install local dev dependencies: npm install while current directory is this repo

Development server

Run npm start or npm run demo to start a development server on port 8000 with auto reload + tests.


  • Run npm test to run tests once
  • Run npm run test:watch to continually run tests in headless mode
  • Run npm run test:watch-browser to continually run tests in the Chrome browser

When running in the Chrome browser, you can set code breakpoints to debug tests using these instructions:

  • From the main Karma browser page, click the Debug button to open the debug window
  • Press ctrl + shift + i to open Chrome developer tools
  • Press ctrl + p to search for a file to debug
  • Enter a file name like input.handler.ts and click the file
  • Within the file, click on a row number to set a breakpoint
  • Refresh the browser window to re-run tests and stop on the breakpoint


MIT @ Neri Bez Fontana