
This is a set of LaTeX math symbols, for writing transition arrows of modal transition systems in a LaTex document.


This is a set of LaTeX math symbols, for writing transition arrows of modal transition systems in a LaTex document.


The arrows are drawn in TikZ, and the arrow tip is a \guilsinglright which is not in the OT1 encoding.

  • \RequirePackage{tikz}
  • \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}

Usage and Example:

After loading the mts-arrows.tec in your preable, writing:

$q_0 \may{a} q_1 \must{a} q_2 \mayw{a} q_3 \mustw{a} q_4$
$q_0 \lmay{abcd} q_1 \lmust{abcde} q_2 \lmayw{abcdef} q_3 \lmustw{abcdefg} q_4$

in your document will result in:


Note: long arrows should only be used with long action names on top