
A nodeschool workshop on how to get your ardunio alive with johnny-five

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nodebot Workshop Build Status Dependency Status

A nodeschool workshop on how to get your Arduino alive with rwaldron/johnny-five

# Install
npm install -g nodebot-workshop
# Run

Nodebot workshop menu

Learn the basics of the johnny-five api, as a series of code challenges.

johnny-five is an api for working with Arduino and other rapid prototyping boards.

You don't need an Arduino for this workshop.

The workshop will pose a challenge, and will test your code.

The low level code to talk to the Arduino is stubbed out.

You will be writing working, executable johnny-five code.

Each of your solutions can be run directly as a node program.

Wire up an Arduino, connect the USB and you can see your solution run for real.

Code style

To move towards a consistent style for nodeschool projects we use the .jshintrc as defined in learnyounode: https://github.com/rvagg/learnyounode/blob/master/.jshintrc

Your favourite jshint runner will work but a gulpfile is provided for hipsters.

npm install -g gulp

...to run it.


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