
Cute string pattern matching (when re is too much)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

qre - like re, but cuter

PyPI - Version License: MIT tests

Pattern "* pattern"
Input "First pattern"
Result Truthy
Pattern "World's [] pattern"
Input "World's coolest pattern"
Result ["coolest"]
Pattern "product id: [product_id], units: [units: int], price: [unit_price: decimal]"
Input "Product ID: A123, Units: 3, Price: 1.23" (case-insensitive)
Result {"product_id": "A123", "units": 3, "unit_price": Decimal("1.23")}

This package owes everything, including most of the codebase, to Thomas Feldtmann's simplematch. All poor design decisions are mine. See this collection for other alternatives.

Status: Comprehensively tested but never used for anything real. All evolution is expected to be incremental.

Quick start

pip install qre

My first little match:

from qre import qre

assert qre("in [place]").search("Match made in heaven") == {"place": "heaven"}

qre is mostly focused on collecting named groups from the input strings, so the return value is an easy-to-access dict. Groups are denoted with brackets, which means that patterns are friendly with f-strings.

For unnamed groups the returned object has been tweaked a little bit - they can be found as a list in the unnamed attribute:

assert qre("[] [:int]").match("Lesson 1").unnamed == ["Lesson", 1]

Type specifiers can be used with both named and unnamed groups. They act both as specs for the pattern to find and, when applicable, as converters to the right type.

Currently available types are:

  • int
  • float
  • decimal
  • date (ISO)
  • datetime (ISO)
  • uuid
  • letters
  • identifier (letters plus numbers and underscore)
  • email
  • url
  • ipv4
  • ipv6
  • creditcard
  • open (any one of (, [, {)
  • close (), ], or })

You can register your own types and conversions with register_type(name, regex, converter=str). As qre's goal is not to replicate the functionality of re, this can also act as the "escape hatch" when you need just a little bit more than what qre offers.

As an entertaining example, here's how to use register_type to turn an emoji into a textual description:

qre.register_type("mood", r"[😀😞]", lambda emoji: {"😀": "good", "😞": "bad"}.get(emoji, "unknown"))

assert qre("[mood:mood]").search("I'm feeling 😀 today!") == {"mood": "good" }

Note that register_type manipulates a global object, so you only need to register custom types once, probably somewhere towards the start of your program.

PRs for generally useful types are highly welcome.

Matching functions

Matching functions expect a pattern and a string to match against. The optional case_sensitive argument is true by default.

  • match - Match pattern against the whole of the string
  • match_start - Match pattern against the beginning of the string
  • match_end - Match pattern against the end of the string
  • search - Return the first match of the pattern in the string
  • search_all - Return all matches of the pattern in the string as a list

All of the functions always return an object that is either truthy or falsy depending on whether there was a match or not. They never return None, and the unnamed attribute contains at least an empty list, so the returned object is always safe to iterate.

Alternatively, you can use the Matcher object. It has the following useful attributes:

  • regex for debugging the generated regex, or for copying it for use with plain re
  • converters for debugging the converters in use
matcher = qre("value: [quantitative:float]|[qualitative]", case_sensitive=False)
assert matcher.match("Value: 1.0") == {"quantitative": 1.0}
assert matcher.regex == "value:\\ (?P<quantitative>[+-]?(?:[0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+)|(?P<qualitative>.*)"
assert matcher.converters == {'quantitative': float}

As a final usage scenario, you can call qre on the command line:

$ python qre.py
usage: qre.py [-h] [--regex] pattern string

Pattern syntax summary

  • Wildcards:
    • * - any character 0+ times
    • + - any 1 character
    • ? - any 1 character, maybe
  • Operators:
    • | - either of two characters or groups
  • Groups:
    • [name] - named group called "name", returned in the main dict.
    • [] - unnamed group, returned in the unnamed list
    • [name:4], [:4] - group that is 4 characters wide
    • [name:int], [:int] - group that matches the type and is converted to that Python type
  • Escaping:
    • [*], [+], [?], [|] - literal symbol, not wildcard
    • [[, ]] - literal brackets, not groups