
logctool is a set of utilities for processing image data in logc format and generating test charts in various types and formats, including step charts and color checker charts.

Primary LanguageC++

Readme for logctool



logctool a set of utilities for processing logc encoded images

Sample image or figure.


The logctool app can be built both from commandline or using optional Xcode -GXcode.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=<path>/logctool/modules -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path> -GXcode
cmake --build . --config Release -j 8

Example using 3rdparty on arm64

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path>/3rdparty/build/macosx/arm64.debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path>/3rdparty/build/macosx/arm64.debug -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-I<path>/3rdparty/build/macosx/arm64.debug/include/eigen3" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=TRUE -GXcode


Print logctool help message with flag --help.

logctool -- a set of utilities for processing logc encoded images

Usage: logctool [options] filename...

Commands that read images:
    -i FILENAME                         Input chart file
General flags:
    --help                              Print help message
    -v                                  Verbose status messages
    -d                                  Debug status messages
General flags:
    --ei EI                             LogC exposure index
    --dataformat DATAFORMAT             LogC format (float, uint10, uint16 and unit32) (default: float)
    --convertlut LUT                    LogC conversion lut
Output flags:
    --outputfilename FILE               Output filename of log steps
    --outputwidth WIDTH                 Output width of log steps
    --outputheight HEIGHT               Output height of log steps
    --outputfalsecolorcubefile FILE     Optional output false color cube (lut) file
    --outputstopscubefile FILE          Optional output stops cube (lut) file

Generate LogC steps in OpenEXR float

--outputwidth 2048
--outputheight 1024
--dataformat float
--outpitfilename /Volumes/Build/github/test/logctool_LogC3.exr
--outputstopscubefile /Volumes/Build/github/test/logctool_LogC3_out.cube

Generate Conversion LUTs in Davinci Resolve

--outputwidth 2048
--outputheight 1024
--dataformat float
--outpitfilename /Volumes/Build/github/test/logctool_LogC3.exr
--outputstopscubefile /Volumes/Build/github/test/logctool_LogC3_out.cube


The macdeploy.sh script will deploy mac bundle to dmg including dependencies.

./macdeploy.sh -e <path>/logctool -d <path> -p <path>


Project Description
OpenImageIO OpenImageIO project @ Github
OpenColorIO OpenColorIO project @ Github
OpenEXR OpenEXR project @ Github
3rdparty 3rdparty project containing all dependencies @ Github


Cube LUTs are limited in their precision therefore does not handle the toe of the curve very well.


