- 🏫 Undergrad student in IT
- 📝 AZ-900 cert holder, thanks to Innovacción Virtual✨
- 💜 Love to learn. Currently I'm learning about: UI/UX Design, HTML, CSS, Javascript
- 🔥 My professional goal is to work as a web developer
- 🌎 Open to relocate for a job (via remote interviews). Also open to remote work
- 🏞️ Other interests:
- Architecture & design, urban development, sustainability, economy, health sciences, education
- Architecture & design, urban development, sustainability, economy, health sciences, education
- 🏡 In my free time I like to play videogames, design tiny houses, watch anime, ride my bike or read
- ⚧️ I am trans! (female to non-binary). My prononuns are: he/him
- 👨🏫 Have been through a lot and hope to become an inspiration for young people to overcome adversity