Capture The Flag!

This will setup a ArchLinux installation ready to be used as a CTF server. More TBA.


You will need the following in order to build the Live CD using the scripts in this project:

  • Mac OS X or Linux is supported for now.
  • git -- for getting the files
  • pwgen -- for generating random passwords
  • python -- For Ansible
  • curl -- for downloading packages and other files

Mini Ansible howto

Learn ansible pothead!

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbooks/prod_ctfservers.yml is usually used to distribute ansible config.

For more verbose messages you can add -v, for even more verbosity add a v like this -vv or even more.

To not run the whole shit all the time, add -t TAGNAME_FROM_TASK where TAGNAME_FROM_TASK is usually something like ctfserver, ctflevels, myretardedtag, install_packages or whatever you define :)

To release a asm level would usually include these params; ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbooks/prod_ctfservers.yml -t ctflevelcompile,ctfserver,ctfhomes,ctflevels -vvv

How to add a new level

  1. Create the level itself and put it in ansible/roles/ctfserver/templates/levels/ and ansible/roles/ctfserver/files/levels/
  2. Create a new user by updating ansible/group_vars/ctfserver.yml:
    • create a new 20 character password (f.ex pwgen -sn 20)
    • create a new password hash using the password generated in the previous step: python -c "from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt; import getpass; print sha512_crypt.using(rounds=5000).hash(getpass.getpass())"
    • create a new entry for the user in the section called ctfgame_userlevels_enabled, using the previous user as a template:
      • Update the pwclean and password fields using the generated password and password hash
      • update the following fields in the previous user to True: suidenabled, binary, binary_keep_source
      • remember to update the groups field and add the user to its own group


