Deep Learning Benchmarking Tool
Project work carried out at the Department of Computer Engineering (DISCA) of Technical University of Valencia (UPV) under the supervision of Professors Federico Silla Jiménez and Carlos Reaño González. It is a very simple suite which allows users to analyze the performance of different Deep Learning environments. It currently supports:
- 3 Metrics: average training speed, GPU memory and power usage
- 3 Datasets: ImageNet, CIFAR10, MNIST
- 5 Models: LeNet, AlexNet, ResNet50, GoogLeNet, VGG16
- 5 Frameworks: Caffe, TensorFlow, Pytorch, MXNet, CNTK
- 4 Hardware configurations for training: CPU, GPU and multi-GPU (as of now 2 and 4 GPUs only)
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for benchmarking.
It is necessary to install the frameoworks you want to use, make sure they work in the correct way. Also CUDA installation is taken for granted.
Dataset preparation
In order to run a benchmark, one or more datasetes must be downloaded and converted to the framework-specific format. Refer to the websites of each tool for the details (links below). After that, the data path for each file has to be modified according to the new location, it takes just a sed command to change the default path /scratch/andpic// for every file in the entire project ( could be "mnist", "cifar10" or "imageNet"; could be "caffeRecords", "tfRecords", "pytorchRecords", "mxnetRecords" or "cntkRecords").
Running benchmarks
Once the datasets have been set-up, run a benchmark using (use -help for the parameters).
python -dataset imagenet -model alexnet -tool tensorflow -num_gpus 1 -gpu P100
Benchmark report
The training session will be saved in two log-files in the folder logs, respectively a log_file with the main information about the training process and a power_log_file with the complete GPU monitoring.
Please note that the most relevant networks' parameters can be changed directly in (not the best way to do that but it is very immediate and less complicated than going deeper in every framework's file).
The entire tool takes inspiration from other popular projects and it implements several useful ideas from DLBENCH project (, copyright notice and LICENSE in DeepLearningBenchmarkingTool/LICENSE.
Networks' implementations and configurations have been taken from official sources and then modified:
- for Caffe models, copyright notice and LICENSE in DeepLearningBenchmarkingTool/caffe/LICENSE
- for TensorFlow models, copyright notice and LICENSE in DeepLearningBenchmarkingTool/tensorflow/LICENSE
- for PyTorch models, copyright notice and LICENSE in DeepLearningBenchmarkingTool/pytorch/LICENSE
- for MXNet models, copyright notice and LICENSE in DeepLearningBenchmarkingTool/mxnet/LICENSE
- for CNTK models, copyright notice and LICENSE in DeepLearningBenchmarkingTool/cntk/LICENSE