- 0
iOS 18 dequeueReusableSupplementaryView throws NSInternalInconsistencyException
#367 opened by ccompton-ip - 0
AlbumsView background and position is incorrect after use SwiftUI wrapper ImagePickerController
#366 opened by Donychen - 0
- 3
new release
#363 opened by tuncayforma38 - 6
Describing use of required reason API
#359 opened by hsingh-texada - 1
Uploading edited pictures
#348 opened by MrBull3t - 0
Can I change the default album?
#357 opened by playkang - 0
Right now Done (1) or Done is the main button, but is there a way to adjust it so that it shows Done (1/5) i.e 5 being the max number of images
#356 opened by BunnyBuddy - 2
- 5
Pre iOS 13 devices fail to deallocate BSImagePicker after it has been dismissed
#320 opened by gams95 - 0
How to change the backgroundColor of preview?
#353 opened by Nexro920 - 1
Can't support i18n?
#352 opened by tkatochin - 0
- 1
- 0
CancelButton is hidden
#350 opened by Adventura33 - 1
Is it possible to only list images without GIF?
#336 opened by yccheok - 0
defaultSelections ?
#349 opened by neobie - 1
Album List is not showing
#347 opened by irfanabdulkhaliq - 3
Album Button Not Showing
#346 opened by noahbino - 1
Image or video on iCloud
#335 opened by greenalienpay - 3
memory not released when modalPresentationStyle of imagePicker instance is .FullScreen
#331 opened by Dhrumil-Dhameliya - 3
SwiftUI - Initial Selection from UIImagePickerController Does Not Appear
#328 opened by test-ArG5R4aR78 - 1
Crash on iOS 15.3 - device iphone 13 pro
#344 opened by naveedmcs - 0
iOS 14, Limited Library is not working
#343 opened by rajeshpremani - 1
Previous selected images are still selected
#342 opened by rajeshpremani - 2
Crash on iOS
#341 opened by mithilesh-parmar - 2
Not getting all Albums
#324 opened by nikolaveljic64 - 3
Album button not showing on ios 13.x
#321 opened by mandic1987 - 7
- 1
#329 opened by moribaleta - 3
- 0
Repeatedly tapping on Done button triggers doneButtonPressed multiple times
#325 opened by alezoffoli - 1
How do I get image name from info?
#323 opened by rijalroshan - 4
- 0
Crash on AssetsViewController.swift, line 211
#318 opened by imkhan334 - 0
- 2
Use Image Picker Multiple Time
#316 opened by SohaibSiddique - 0
didReachSelectionLimit not being called
#313 opened by abheesheksharma - 0
how to sort images ?
#312 opened by ironrustem - 7
BSImagePicker does not open on iOS 13.5.1
#293 opened by india2sarthak - 4
Image picker not displaying albums selection.
#310 opened by HoffofAllTrades - 1
- 1
save selected images to Photos
#309 opened by SwiObKart - 3
Change vc modal presentation style.
#305 opened by ElrB - 11
Picking a video.
#299 opened by kasyrm - 3
Get thumbnail image for video
#306 opened by huy-lv - 0
Wrong `textColor` for duration label on Video cell
#296 opened by MaxAdamyan - 0
Get URLs instead of PHAssets
#298 opened by vBoykoGit - 1
can i change doneButton title ?? .....
#294 opened by ehrldyd15 - 4
Multiple image selection memory leak
#292 opened by onslauth