
Squid proxy configuration to optimize package downloads

Primary LanguageC


This package provides a squid proxy config optimized for caching deb packages on Debian and Ubuntu systems.

Quick Start

In a simple setup all you need to do is to install "squid-deb-proxy" on your server and "squid-deb-proxy-client" on your clients. If all clients are in the same (private) network apt will automatically find the proxy server and use it. You can verify this by looking at the logs in /var/log/squid-deb-proxy/access.log on your server.


Client setup

If you can't use squid-deb-proxy-client you can configure the client manually. The sources.list should point to your prefered mirror (no change needed usually). Then add Acquire::http::Proxy to your apt configuration, e.g. via:

# echo 'Acquire::http::Proxy "http://proxy-server-hostname:8000/";' >

Default Server Config

It should work out of the box on port 8000 for most users.

The default config will only allow fetching official Debian or Ubuntu/Canonical packages (Ubuntu destinations on a Ubuntu server, Debian destinations on a Debian server).

You can add more repositories either via the whitelist file "mirror-dstdomain.acl" or by tweaking the global configuration "squid-deb-proxy.conf" to allow fetching from any domain (see the http_access and cache options).

By default from any request from a private (,, network is granted, everything else is denied.


It will allow access to .archive.ubuntu.com, archive.canonical.com, esm.ubuntu.com, extras.ubuntu.com and changelogs.ubuntu.com.


By default it allow access to .debian.org, cdn.debian.net and http.debian.net from any prvate network


To customize the settings for the allowed origins or destinations you can edit /etc/squid-deb-proxy/*.acl.

To customize the general config, please edit the file /etc/squid-deb-proxy/squid-deb-proxy.conf