
Helper Singleton class to upload anonymous images to album on imgur with title and description using multipart POST

Multipart POST Helper Singleton Class

Upload anonymous images to album on imgur.com


- album - title - description

Set Up:

Create an account on imgur, then a app to get a client Id. Add it to the class (l.22):

private const CLIENT_ID:String = "";

If you want to target a specific album, create an album and grab the deletehash key. Add it to the class (l.23):

private const CLIENT_ALBUM:String = "";


  function(response:Object):void { trace(response); }, 
  PNGEncoder.encode( new bitmapData(300, 300, false, 0xFF00FF) ),
  "this is an awesome title",
  "and of course we can add a caption to it!"


  • onComplete Response Model:
  • see https://api.imgur.com/models/basic for more info
  • {
  •  "status"  : 200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 429, 500
  • 	"success" : true/false
  •  "id"      : image id
  •  "link"    : link to image
  • } */
