
A project with Spritely to build their blog example

Primary LanguageRacket


Create a “real” version of the blog example with:

  • Read-only web view
    • Uses http capabilities and html rendering
  • Updating
    • Updating can be done manually with REPL just fine
    • Need to have “permalink” sturdyrefs for editing
  • Extensibility
    • User 1 creates blog, provides edit access over CapTP to User 2
    • User 2 creates extension (without User 1’s involvement) with multiple stakeholder cooperation, hands access to Users 3 and 4
    • User 3 authors and updates post to User 4’s satisfaction
    • User 4 presses go-live
  • Demonstration with 4 actual users pulling off above process (all updating steps okay to happen at REPL)
  • BONUS: Secure persistence (use Aurie)

Outline / Schedule

  • September 27: Meeting / project plan
  • October 4th: Environment set up, “manually entered” paper code
  • October 11th: CapTP working + sturdyrefs (Christine and Mikayla have call where each shares a capability over CapTP)
  • October 18th: Go through Racket’s HTTP/HTML demo stuff
  • October 25th: “Cheater” web membrane
  • November 1st: “Good” web membrane?
  • November 8th: Start preparing demo for users to test
  • November 15th: Do live demo with users
  • November 22nd: Writing paper part 1
  • November 29th: Writing paper part 2
  • December 5th (Monday): Hand in paper


Create a project plan

Promotion plan? Supporters?

  • To what extent can we cross-promote that we’re already working with a major university?
  • Can we get a logo on the supporters page?

Get Mikayla’s hacking environment set up

  • [X] Install Emacs
  • [X] Install Racket
  • [X] Install racket-mode
  • [X] Learn the racket-flow
  • [ ] docs.racket-lang.org, go through at least one of the top tutorials
  • [ ] Read Goblins docs and install Goblins
  • [X] BONUS: Start using org-mode for local notes / TODO tracking

Enter the paper code

  • [ ] Figure out file structure
  • [ ] Go through the tutorial

CapTP working + sturdyrefs

  • [ ] understand how to create, share, and send messages on sturdyrefs
  • [ ] Make a local CapTP connection
  • [ ] Revise the blog tutorial code in light of the above


Once a week on Tuesdays will do a call with professor, and they need to describe what she did etc

Has to be done by December 5th

About 8-10 hours a week (ideally)